Study is our student's personality.But many students will ask, why we must learn knowledge. Is knowledge so important to us?If we don't need to pass the exam, should we still need the knowledge?
As I am concerned, study is not only a personality of students, but also a personality of all people throughout their lives.People need to learn the knowledge whoever they are.If people don't learn knowledge, there will have no way to do things and become ignorant about world.Can you imagine a world that no people have knowledge?Leaving knowledge,the world would no get progress.If people don't learn knowledge, there will be no people to know how to use the computer ,how to write the news, even how to communicate with others.
So learning knowledge is a very important thing, it consists of our world.
Long, long ago, there were two brothers, the one rich and the other poor. When Christmas Eve came, the poor one had not a bite in the house, either of meat or bread; so he went to his brother, and begged him, in God's name, to give him something for Christmas Day. It was by no means the first time that the brother had been forced to give something to him, and he was not better pleased at being asked now than he generally was.
"If you will do what I ask you, you shall have a whole ham," said he. The poor one immediately thanked him, and promised this.
"Well, here is the ham, and now you must go straight to Dead Man's Hall," said the rich brother, throwing the ham to him.
"Well, I will do what I have promised," said the other, and he took the ham and set off. He went on and on for the livelong day, and at nightfall he came to a place where there was a bright light.
"I have no doubt this is the place," thought the man with the ham.
An old man with a long white beard was standing in the outhouse, chopping Yule logs.
"Good-evening," said the man with the ham.
"Good-evening to you. Where are you going at this late hour?" said the man.
"I am going to Dead Man's Hall, if only I am on the right track," answered the poor man.
"Oh! yes, you are right enough, for it is here," said the old man. "When you get inside they will all want to buy your ham, for they don't get much meat to eat there; but you must not sell it unless you can get the hand-mill which stands behind the door for it. When you come out again I will teach you how to stop the hand-mill, which is useful for almost everything."
So the man with the ham thanked the other for his good advice, and rapped at the door.
今天,我看了一本关于海伦 凯勒的书,深有感触。我和海伦 凯勒相比真是有天壤之别,海伦?凯勒自幼因病成为盲聋哑人,但她自强不息,克服巨大困难读完大学,凭着坚强的毅力,在黑暗而沉寂的世界里写下了多部伟大的作品。
那时,我们还有一个多月就要期末了,这时学校要搞一个模型制作比赛,有兴趣的同学可以自愿参加。我听后很高兴,因为我对着方面很感兴趣。我想着次正撞到我的枪口上,我一定要那个第一名。于是我报名参加了。报名后很快学校发给了我们工具和一些材料让我们回去自己制作。我拿回材料后并没有着急制作,而是仔细的想了想我要做什么,然后还精心的画了图纸。一切准被工作都做好后我开始了正式制作工作,前一阶段还很顺利,可是做到最后我发现越来越不对劲了,最后才发先是刚开始设计计算出错了,可现在在想拆 了从新做已经拆不了的,就想该楼房该到一半时发现出错了也没办法了。如果要重新再做一个的话一个是材料不够了,另一个就是时间也不够了。几天后就要比塞了,可我的模型还没有做好。我只好眼睁睁的看着别人去比赛、得了第一名。心里很不是滋喂,自然也没有心情复习了,几天后的期末考试当然也没有考好。拿成绩单的那天回家的路上我心里还在想着回完了,回家后又要挨骂了。可是另我没有想到的是回家后爸妈做了一大桌子好菜,面带微笑的在等着我回来。吃饭时爸爸对我说:“这次你考试的失利不能全怪你,每个人都有失败的时候,不管是中国还是外国、古代还是当代,都有很多有名的科学家在发明创造的过程中遇到了困难,如果他们想成功就只能克服这些困难。”听了爸爸的这般话后,我的感触很深。于是我又开始从新振作起来,开始新的制作,没有材料就到建材市场上捡一些人们不要了的下脚料。
我也曾遇到过困难,曾想过放弃,(.可是在爸爸的鼓励下,我最终都是勇敢的站起来了。有一次我跟爸爸去海滩玩,可是我不会游泳,又在死撑,不要游泳圈, 差点淹死了。从此以后,我一见到深一点的水就很害怕。每一次爸爸叫我去游泳我都不去,学也不学。爸爸不想我再这样下去了,想让我勇敢一点,学会挑战困难。就跟我说:”你知道吗?现在很多伟大的科学家小时侯都遇到过许多困难,但他们不害怕,也不逃避,而是勇敢地去面对。如果当时他们放弃的话,现在就不会有这么大的成就了。这就说明,在人生旅途当中,人难免会遇到困难,可是我们应该和它挑战,有挑战才有成功,因此你也要和他们一样,不怕困难,努力奋斗。”
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