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我来到一棵光秃秃的树下,猛然发现对面一只高大的狼狗正目不转睛地盯着我。我天生怕狗,何况还是一只狼狗,更使我望而生畏。不知是狼狗闻到了烧饼的香味,还是我“侵犯 ”了它的地盘,它气势汹汹地抬起头“汪汪”大叫,朝着我冲了过来,吓得我六神无主,一时没了对付它的法子。


在它的监视下,我站在石桌上急得直转圈,想下又不敢下。度过了心焦的15分钟后,我趁着狼狗背对着我时,噌地一下跳下石桌,飞快地向家跑。谁知我这一跑,又引来了狼狗连 蹦带跳的追赶。我边跑边向它求饶:“狼狗啊,你放了我吧!我又没动你,没惹你,大街上人那么多,你为什么偏要追我呀?”我说了那么多好话,对狼狗一点作用也没有,它好像越跑越快。唉,两条 腿的人毕竟跑不过四条腿的狗。我最终还是被它一口咬住了衣服。我又是挥手又是跺脚,拼死挣扎着,心里却在暗暗盘算怎样对付他。突然,我想到手里还拿着两个烧饼,就赶忙从一个烧饼上撕下一块 向远处扔去。果然,不出我所料,那条狼狗丢下我,去追那块烧饼。我乘机摆脱了狗,捂着破烂不堪的衣服跑回了家。



Elephants are the biggest animals on land. They have long noses, and we call the noses trunks. Elephants use their trunks to get food and put the food into their mouths. Elephants have very long and strong teeth. and we call the teeth tusks.

People in some countries teach elephants how to work for man. Elephants use their trunks and tusks to pull trees along and lift heavy logs.

Most of the children like elephants, because they think elephants are kind and friendly.


Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?

According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?

Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.


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