

首页看图更新时间:2022-12-24 04:48:11



我刚跑到客厅,只见爷爷正在家里的门窗上插“五端”,也就是菖蒲、艾草、石榴花、蒜头、龙船花。我充满好奇地问:“为什么要插这些?”爷爷笑呵呵地说:“***这些就能驱邪避魔了。”我说:“这是迷信!”“小孩子别瞎说。”爷爷刚刚的一脸笑容被我这一句话扫得一丝不剩,我见爷爷生气了,心中也害怕了,连忙趁爷爷不注意的时候跑到厨房,找妈妈说话去了。 我和妈妈正谈着,妈妈又说:“端午节有‘八说 ’呢。第一说是认为纪念楚国大诗人屈原;第二个是庆祝唐玄宗的生日的;第三个是……正说着,突然妈妈说了一声“不好了,我的黄鱼!”她赶到时,黄鱼已经被煮焦了。我叹了一口气,“哎,家里没一个可以陪我静心玩的!”于是我唱着妈妈教我的儿歌,出去找小伙伴玩了。


In recent years, tourism has been popular and played an important role in our nation’s economic growth. However, I am afraid that if tourism develops over, it will bring harm to the environment and give rise to many problems.

There are a few reasons accounting for my views and I would like to list three of them. One of the examples is that a large number of woods and other plants were replaced by all kinds of accommodation facilities or scenic spots. That definitely breaks the ecological balance of these areas and destroys the natural beauty of the scenic spots. Worse still, more pressure has been placed environment protection in that many tourists left their garbage in the scenic spots. In addition, over-developed tourism will occupy large numbers of farmland and lead to the shortage of the land.

In a word, tourism will be harmful to our environment if it is over development. Thus, I do not advocate that we development tourism without considering the environment. And we should keep the balance between tourism development and environment protection so that we can achieve the sustainable development between our nation’s economy and the environment.


Dear Headmaster,

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had on whether the school should organize a spring outing for the students.

Opinions on the question are pided as follows:70% of the students think that the school should organize the spring outing. They believe that the spring outing can make them enjoy the nature's beautiful scenery, which can broaden our vision and fill us with more knowledge. They also say that the air in the open fields is fresher. What's more, fresh air does a lot of good to our health.

On the other hand,30% don't like the idea of going out for a spring outing. In their opinions, time is very precious, so they have to grasp every minute to work hard at their lessons. Traveling costs a lot. In that case, it will add to their families' burden. Above all, no one can be sure of the safety of every student.

Yours truly

Li Hua








Dear Headmaster,

I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had on whether the school should organize a spring outing for the students.

Opinions on the question are pided as follows:70% of the students think that the school should organize the spring outing. They believe that the spring outing can make them enjoy the nature's beautiful scenery, which can broaden our vision and fill us with more knowledge. They also say that the air in the open fields is fresher. What's more, fresh air does a lot of good to our health.

On the other hand,30% don't like the idea of going out for a spring outing. In their opinions, time is very precious, so they have to grasp every minute to work hard at their lessons. Traveling costs a lot. In that case, it will add to their families' burden. Above all, no one can be sure of the safety of every student.

Yours truly

Li Hua








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