Do you ever watch movies from other countries? Whenever I do, I think about how similar people really are all around the world. Even though the cultures and languages in those movies are different from mine, people all around the world are alike in their goals and emotions.
One time, I saw a movie made in china that showed parents helping their children with their homework. . My parents helped me the same way. Another time I saw a movie from Argentina. It showed school children playing hide and seek, which is a game I used to play with my friends during recess. Seeing these films demonstrated to me that education is a common goal in every country. Parents want their children to learn so their lives will improve. It also showed me that children in schools everywhere wants to play with their friends. Sometimes the games are similar to ours and sometimes they’re different. Still, they all have the common purpose of fun and learning to work together.
Earning a living is another common goal. I’ve often seen that in movies about other countries. In some countries, people choose their careers from what they like and are good at. In other countries, careers are chosen for them following the traditions of their families. But in every country it seems that people care a great deal about earning a living, and working hard is respected.
Showing people having fun together is always an important part of any movies, no matter what country it comes from. People everywhere want to be entertained, and want to spend time with their families and friends. Different cultures sometimes enjoy different activities, but all cultures enjoy some form of sports, music and dancing.
The movies I’ve seen make it clear to me that no matter the cultural differences between countries, people everywhere have the same basic needs and goals.
本次优质课的教师都很重视思想政治教育,激励学生积极的学习动机、态度、兴趣,促使学生积极主动地投入到学习活动中去。例如,有位教师在教课文Wildlife Protection时,播放了一个flash,画面上是一群鹿在悠闲自得地漫步在青青草原上,突然间传来一阵枪响,刹那间,茫茫草原上尸横遍野,血流成河,引出课文主题“保护大自然,保护野生动物”,使学生既受到思想政治和情感教育,又使教学内容自然衔接导入新课。而且能培养运用英语进行交际活动的能力。
课堂上每位教师都能用英语OK. Very good. Wonderful. excellent等评价性语言表扬、鼓励学生积极学习,使他们怀着轻松愉快的情绪全身心地投入学习英语的活动中去,收到良好的教学效果。
阅读课文教学是培养学生阅读能力的主要途径。 阅读是主动积极地获取信息的创造性行为,是培养通过视觉感知书面文字符号,获取信息的能力。这种能力常是通过阅读理解整体课文的手段达到的。其中一位教师在做Reading时,引导学生学会自己去找每一段的关键句,告诉学生一般情况下主题句在每一段的第一句,然后让学生自己去观察,去阅读,很好的培养了学生的阅读能力。
阅读课文教学从整体语篇出发,突出培养获取信息的能力。 首先,学生阅读整篇课文,初步理解课文大意和中心思想。然后分段,找出主题句,理解各段的内容和各段落的逻辑联系。 最后再回到语篇进行交际性的操练。这样,学生在进一步准确理解和把握、运用语言知识的基础上进行整篇的交际性操练,使获取信息的能力得到进一步发展。因为获取信息的能力是建筑在准确理解,把握和运用语言知识基础上的。
几乎所有的优质课竞赛课都把培养学生的交际能力作为目的要求。英语是国际交往的重要工具。交际功能是语言的最本质的功能。交际既是目的,又是手段。 交际是一种运用英语进行社会交往的活动。运用英语进行交际的能力,只有通过社会交际活动才能获得和掌握。师生之间,尤其是学生之间,用英语进行交际活动是获得有意义、有效的英语输入和良好情感过滤以及英语信息加工处理转化成有意义的输出的最有效和最理想的途径。
交际的能力包括语言能力,社会语言能力,交流信息的能力和话语能力。 有的教师能运用自己已有的英语知识,特别是刚学习的新的语言材料,把新旧语言知识相互整合,并联系学生实际或通过想象创设的情景,完整地进行语篇的思想交流。 例如,周口郸城一高的王允老师在教Earthquake一课时,让学生比较样本和王老师自己根据这篇新闻改写成的叙事故事之间的异同,通过利用两种文体的区别来教会学生新闻写作的结构、组织顺序和语言三方面的特点。学生通过王老师的指导,通过小组讨论找出新闻不同于叙事故事的特点,共同用英语编写命题新闻的提纲、细节等真是交际活动,提高了用英语交际的能力。
Study is our student's personality.But many students will ask, why we must learn knowledge. Is knowledge so important to us?If we don't need to pass the exam, should we still need the knowledge?
As I am concerned, study is not only a personality of students, but also a personality of all people throughout their lives.People need to learn the knowledge whoever they are.If people don't learn knowledge, there will have no way to do things and become ignorant about world.Can you imagine a world that no people have knowledge?Leaving knowledge,the world would no get progress.If people don't learn knowledge, there will be no people to know how to use the computer ,how to write the news, even how to communicate with others.
So learning knowledge is a very important thing, it consists of our world.
教师都很注重优化课堂教学过程。 首先,教师通过真实的或创设的情景使学生理解所学的新的语言知识,再在理解的基础上通过技能训练和交际活动巩固所学语言知识,并使语言知识转化成技能,然后在新的情景中通过对子和小组活动灵活运用所学语言知识达到掌握听说读写运用英语进行交际的能力的目的。
多信息 教师采用实物、多媒体等手段创设新的语言情景,多渠道地给学生提供英语信息源和大量的信息,拓宽视野,从而激励学生学习英语的'强烈兴趣,积极主动参与各项学习活动,同时也避免了英语教学总是围绕着英语课本转和机械操练,重复老内容,缺乏信息的新鲜感,以致造成学生注意力涣散,思维迟缓,产生被动消极情绪,失去学习兴趣,学习退步的后果。
快节奏 教师大都用正常的英语语速进行教学,教学环节严密,各环节和各种操练和交际活动间的交替自然紧奏、快捷,从播放轻音乐、古典音乐导入直至课的发展、高潮、结束富有节奏感。明快的节奏是提高课堂教学效率的关键。
高密度 课堂教学要生参与英语操练和交际活动的人多、面广,实践的内容量大。一堂课内几乎每个学生都能参与英语操练和交际活动。 有的一堂课平均每位学生能轮到1-2次实践活动。 加强小组活动形式以增加学生实践的面和量,也成了这次优质课竞赛的一道亮丽的风景线
勤反复 教师能重视在新的情景中采用多样化的教学方法,重现和运用所学语言知识,并使知识不断获得巩固,听说读写交际的能力不断获得发展。
情景,语境,是指用语言形式进行听说读写交流信息的社会环景。任何有意义的语言交际活动都是在特定的情景中实现的,情景作用于人的感官使人产生交际的动机和使用英语进行交际的心智活动。情景决定语言表述的意义。语言是客观情景的反映。 没有情景就没有语言的意义,英语交际活动离不开语言的情景。
本次优质课大多数课都能有效采用多种形式创设情景和充分利用英语教学本身的真实情景进行教学。诸如,采用实物、表格、身体语言、多媒体以及利用英语本身和上下文创设情景传授英语基础知识,进行基本技能训练和交际活动。 在情景中理解语言知识和文章内容,由难化易,由浅入深,在与学生互动引导学生理解应用语言知识,突出重点难点;在情景中进行操练提高学生实践的量和质,观后感《英语公开课观后感》。课文内容通过多媒体,通过与学生的互动加强学生的理解、记忆。 在情景中对话交际促进了学生思维的条理化、逻辑顺序化,有利于提高口头理解和表达的正确性和流利性。
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