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一个好的主题句是文章成功的一半。不仅文章有主题,段落有纲,句也必有中心。文章失却主题,就会不知所云;落无纲,则一盘散沙,句缺中心,就无意义。所以,在立足于篇章时,一定要首先明确文的主题;在发展段落时,也要首先写好主题句。从PETS三的特点来考虑,主题句最好是置于文首或段首,这样让人一目了然! 以下就是两个实用的开门见山式发展主题句的方法。

●To begin with, we must attach the greatest importance possible to this issue/fact (key word.

●As is well known to all, it is now high time that we took this (topic word into serious consideration.





I spent 300 yuan on the book.

I paid 300 yuan for the book.

The price of the book is 300 yuan.

It cost me 300 yuan to buy the book.


I don’t know any English, nor does Li Ming.

I hardly know any English, nor does Li Ming.

I hardly know any English, neither does Li Ming.

I hardly know any English, no more does Li Ming.

I hardly know any English, so it is with Li Ming.

I know no more English than Li Ming does.

I know as little English as Li Ming does.


On/Upon arriving home, I wrote down everything I had seen.

As soon as I arrived home, I wrote down everything I had seen.

The moment I arrived home, I wrote down everything I had seen.


1。 It is considered /thought that人们(有人,大家)认为

2。 It is generally /usually accepted /agreed/recognized that普遍(一般,通常)认为

3。 It is believed that有人(人们,大家)相信

4。 It is well—known that大家知道(众所周知)

5。 It is said that据说(有人说)

6。 It is learned that据闻(悉)

7。 It is supposed that据推测

8。 It is estimated/predicted/calculated that据估计(预计)

9。 It must be pointed that必须指出

10。 It is reported that据报道

11。 It must be admitted that必须承认

12。 It will be seen that可见(可以看出)

13。 It will be seen from this that由此可见

14。 It is understood that不用说(都知道)

15。 It can not be denied that无可否认

16。 It has been proved/demonstrated that已经证明

17。 It may be confirmed that可以肯定

18。 It may be safely said that可以有把握地说

19。 It is sometimes asked that人们有时会问

20。 It is expected that/hoped that人们希望

21。 When it comes to要说到,要谈及


1 No one can deny the fact that ...

2 The idea is hardly supported by facts.

3 Unfortunately, none of the available data shows ...


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