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My father is of middle height.His eyes are sharp and full of expression.He always appears serious and looks like a judge.At first sight you may think he is hard to come near.In fact he is very kind and thoughtful① of others and their feelings.Appearance often makes people think wrongly; therefore we cannot give an opinion about a person by appearance.

My father is a man of success.By his own talents and efforts,he has achieved great achievements in what he does.He has not only created wealth for society but also provided our family with a rich life.Now he is well-known to people all over the city.People of all walks of life②come to my house and,as a result,I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences③and see more joys and sorrows of the world.

At home my father is a severe parent.He is very strict with my mother and me.He does not allow my mother to accept anything from others.He requires that my mother should go to office in time and leave it last.He has high expectations of me.④ When I am lazy and idling away my time⑤,I can see that it hurts him deeply.When I am doing something great,such as carrying out an experiment,he is more than excited.With such a father I am always reminded of going on and on,never giving up.


运动会正式开始了,我们迎接着化妆游行的开幕式,一到四年级打扮的服装色彩缤纷,不但有圣诞老人的装扮,还有现在最火红的熊猫装,让现场气氛热闹非凡,不 过因为外面下着雨,有一点影响了运动会的`气氛,本来以为雨势会变弱,可以稍微让大家出去活动依下、透透气,没向到,雨却越下越大,我们只能依照雨天备案回 各班教室看现场直播,而我则荣幸当上了学校的运动员,所以在现场帮忙运动会的事物。

因为下雨的关系,大会舞和其他活动都改至活动中心举行。轮到六年级时,我们手戴白手套,精神抖擞的跳着练习已久的舞蹈,迎接着园游会的开始,园游会人山人 海,食物当然也不会少阿!有的人卖棉花糖,有的人卖汽水,也有人卖烤香肠,琳瑯满目的摊贩让我看的眼花嘹乱,耳边还时常传来摊贩的叫卖声和小朋友开心 的聊天声,让学校好不热闹,也为我在小学最后的运动会画下完美的句点。



To My Beloved xx,

You are always on my mind,I can't stop thinking about you.The first thoughts when I wake,and the last thoughts before I go to sleep are of you.I am such a lucky guy to have found such a wonderful woman.I miss you so much,it has been too long since the last time I saw you.

Your smile is so beautiful and magical.Every time that I think of your smile it lights me up inside.Even when I am having a really bad day,seeing you smile makes me want to smile too and it makes me forget about the previous events of the day.

xx,you must be the most caring person on earth.You seem to have an unlimited amount of patience and kindness.Every time I make a mistake you are right there to support me.

I have had such a great time with you no matter what we are doing.As long as you are around,even doing the most mundane activity is fun.I hope that we'll see each other everyday.I want to spend as much time with you as possible.I miss you so much.

Love always,



Dear Pauly,

It’s been almost two years since I've met you,and every day I fall in love with you over and over again.Everything about you is so beautiful to me.Your smile,your eyes,your lips…there isn't a thing I don’t like about you.Every Friday as I see you preaching on stage,my heart gets so out of control that I can't even look up at you.I know I can't bear looking straight at you because you are so wonderful to me.You set my heart on fire with just a glance.You don’t know how my heart skips a beat when you walk by,how your very presence makes my insides feel out of place.Sometimes I wish I could just jump out of my seat and run into your arms.I don’t know how you feel for me,but I know how I feel for you.I really just want to see you happy,even if the person you marry turns out not to be me.True love is about the other person,it’s not about yourself.I am willing to let you go where you want,but I hope that eventually you choose me.I Love You,Pauly!

Love always,




田径场上,只见五位运动员蹲在同一起跑线上。“嘣”的一声巨响,发枪员射出了一颗白色小子弹。运动员们同时起跑,慢的呢,像是一只正在跑步的蜗牛;快的呢,就像一只蹦蹦跳跳的兔子。不过,跑的快的运动员到第三圈的时候就不行了 ,开始出现减速现象。本来跑的慢的运动员反而把那些快的运动员全部反超了。真是爆发力惊人啊。我看到那些快的运动员的老师一开始还非常高兴。此刻,个个表情凝重。看来任何事不到最后一刻都不能轻易下定论啊。




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