Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?
According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?
Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.
没有树木的土地贫瘠而荒芜。有树木的地方丰饶而美丽。树木的作用可大,它就像抽水机,使空气湿润,山谷苍翠;它就像制氧机,使人和动物可以自由呼吸;它就像吸毒机,使空气洁净清新;它就 像消音器,减少噪音污染;它还是粉尘过滤器,当含尘量的气流通过树木时,随着风速的慢慢降低,空气中颗粒较大的粉尘会迅速下降,另外,有些树木的表皮长有绒毛或者能够分泌出油脂,它们能把 粉尘粘在身上,从而使经过森林的气流含尘量大大降低。如果没树木,缺少氧气的供给,也少一个防风固沙的屏障,生态的环境被占据,生物圈规律被破坏。气温会升高,制造成气候不规律 的变化。砍伐后的树木废弃物会被燃烧掉,对环境造成污染;人类会慢慢的因缺氧而死亡!鸟儿失去美丽而欢乐的家园,大地没有花香鸟语,最后将惩罚的还是我们——人类!
A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. A tiger is very ferocious and it eats mainly meat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body and it looks very beautiful. Its tail is long and strong and it can hit its quarry dying.
Tigers live in the thick forests and small animals in the forests are tigers' food.
During the past years, many forests have been cut down and the living conditions of the tigers are becoming worse and worse. There are fewer tigers left in the world now. Tigers are the animals of the world, and they should have their own living spaces. We must do our best to protect the tigers and their living environment.
音乐广场到汽车站这条路上,种植许多枇杷树,绿化我们的城市。现在枇杷树上结满金灿灿的果实,在阳光下很漂亮。许多路过这里的叔叔阿姨,有的踩在电动车上,有的爬到树枝上,有的拿着 竹竿,他们不是为枇杷树修剪枝叶,而是在采摘枇杷果。我问妈妈:吃枇杷果有什么益处。妈妈告诉我:可以治疗咳嗽,但是人行道边的枇杷树,受到汽车尾气的污染果实是不能吃的。
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