我的周末80词英语作文(我的周末 英语作文 40词左右)

我的周末80词英语作文(我的周末 英语作文 40词左右)

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我的周末80词英语作文(我的周末 英语作文 40词左右)


My deskmate is Xu Qiong,not how beautiful.There is a mole on the face,wearing a long pigtail.She loves to play rock paper scissors,also love to buy something to eat.Her maths homework quickly,usually a few before the class.But she was always do wrong,sometimes she again and again to correct or wrong,finally.No way she had to turn to me for help,I began to carefully taught her.With my help finally done.Then she excited in the seat,as if in the heart cry:" I do!"

Although she doesnt study how,but I quite admire her.I learned a lot from her,she will find a lot of small games,let us enjoy the play; she finished her homework very quickly.

This is my classmate,I very love my deskmate.





my new deskmate is a boy of siteen. his name is zhang gao. he is 1.8 meters tall. his strongly-built body and sun-tanned skin make him look like a sportsman. he has two big dark eyes under a pair of thick eyebows. it seems that they are always smiling at you. compared with my yellow hair, his hair is black and thick. he speaks a little bit fast but very clearly. however, he likes to gesture from time to time while hes talking. he has a dream of becoming a famous actor one day. i believe his dream will come true because of his handsome face and well-developed figure.

i have a new deskmate this new term. his name is zhang gao, male.he is 1.8 metres in height. he looks like a sportsman for sun-tanned skin.strongly-buih body and well-developed figure make him quite healthy.there is a pair of big eyes below his thick eyebrows.

he speaks very fast and fluently, but what he says is very clear. when he speaks, he is always making some gestures. he dreams of being an actor and i have no doubt that his dream will come true. whenever he sees you,he always gives you a friendly smile which makes you comfortable. he is a good student. i hope he will have a wonderful future.

i like my new deskmate.



Let me introduce my deskmate now! My deskmate has long eyes, small mouth and curved eyebrows. He likes to wear sky blue. His eyes are bright, once I used his pen, did not tell him, he saw. Its a real eye opener!!


Sometimes when Im just a little over the line, hell hit me. Ive hit him once. When class is over, well have class,


This is my deskmate. He has a golden eye



When I was in the fourth grade, I changed a new deskmate. His name is Liu Jinming.


He is a chubby little boy with big eyes and small mouth. He is very cute. Hes very smart, especially in math, and hes very engaged in class.


I remember once when I was in class, I asked Liu Jinming a question. But when Liu Jinming saw the teacher writing on the blackboard, he couldnt hear my question at all. My deskmate is really engaged!


I like my deskmate very much and he is very kind!






1 . 无所畏惧:畏惧:害怕。什么也不怕。形容非常勇敢。

2 . 陈旧:旧的;过了时的。

3 . 前思后想:往前想想,再退后想想。形容一再考虑。

4 . 笔直∶非常直,没有曲折、弯弧或棱角的。

5 . 通畅∶通行无阻的。

6 . 糟糕:指事情或情况不好。

7 . 变质:人的思想或事物的本质改变,多指向坏的方面变化。

8 . 畏惧:害怕;恐惧,

9 . 障碍∶阻挡前进的东西。

10 . 细微∶十分精确的,精密计量的,敏锐分析的。

11 . 自嘲:自我嘲笑;自我解嘲。

12 . 愚蠢:愚笨无知。

13 . 塞翁失马,焉知非福:比喻一时虽然受到损失,也许反而因此能得到好处。也指坏事在一定条件下可变为好事。同“塞翁失马,安知非福”。

14 . 听天由命:由:听从,随顺。听任事态自然发展变化,不做主观努力。也比喻碰机会,该怎么样就怎么样。

15 . 束手无策:策:办法。遇到问题,就象手被捆住一样,一点办法也没有。

16 . 踟蹰不前:迟疑不决,不敢前进。










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