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Last night, I read an American inspirational article \"when happiness knocks on the door\", I feel a lot. Each of us has experienced some hardships before we know what happiness is. Chris experienced the most difficult stage in his life. From the step by step to the final success of the ordeal. The film also became popular applause of the American inspirational article. Perhaps inspirational articles have a common plot, all is the master, through the rough life course, finally to success. But if thats not the case, can it be inspirational?

When happiness knocks on the door, Chris. Gardiner represented a medical device, his main job is to do the work of medical device salesman, every day is carrying a scanner shuttle in the street, around to sell. Sales promotion is not so smooth. He goes out every day, but he comes home with money every day. He has a wife and a son. His wife works for 16 hours a day in a factory. He lives in poverty, and is often subject to various economic pressures, such as rent, car fines, taxes, etc..

Chris had a chance to see a group of stockbrokers working very happily, and he was determined to become a stockbroker. But he has only a high school diploma and has no experience, even if he makes an application. So he took the initiative to go to the examiner, hoping to achieve his wish. And it was his effort to make it happen. He got the chance to interview. He didnt get any income after the interview. The wife watched him unable to get out of the trouble and left him. It was another test for him. He decided to live alone with his son. At this point, he had no income during the 6 months practice of the stockbroker company. He could only take his son to the shelter when he was in a desperate situation. Despite this frustration, one after another, the difficulties ensued, and he never gave up. His belief in success and happiness remained unchanged. With this dedication, he worked hard, every effort to seize every opportunity, sincere treatment of his customers, and finally he ushered in the dawn of happiness.

The most impressive part of the movie is running. There are a lot of running scenes. Chris was running when he saw the stolen instrument; he was running to pay for the taxi fare; he was running for the interview; he was queuing in order to go to the hospice. Running in our lives is also possible, in order to squeeze into the bus, in order to quickly arrive at a certain place. And when Chris was running for his life, we thought of more bitterness and his effort to live. The film is the use of such a run of the subjective action, showing peoples most tenacious ability to survive and never yield spirit. We will also encounter difficulties, setbacks, whether we can correctly treat, and whether we are in the face of all this, can calmly think of ways, can take the initiative to beat the difficulties? If we can, we are the strong person in life.

The film left me with one of the deepest impression is Chriss tears. When he and his son were evicted from rental housing, he led his son to find a place to live. His friend refused him. So they came to the subway station. He came up with a story to coax his son to accept the difficulties he faced. So they went into a public lavatory and spent a night in the sound of a barrage of crashing sounds. Chris cried. He didnt cry for such difficulties. But let his son suffer with him, make him feel sorry for his son. This point of view is that he is a kind and respectable father. Treat his son, his affection is so strong and deep. Another scenario is that he was hired as the official broker, he cried, wanted to share this happy moment of the man is his son with him, can feel how much he loved his son.

We see these scenes can not help tears trickling down cheeks. A touching scene, from a subtle point can feel the power, we lack is such a force. We want to succeed, we want to become brave, and we face difficulties and setbacks, we also indomitable will and faith to support it? So, when it comes, we dont panic anymore. Because we think the world is nothing to fear. The terrible thing is that you believe in what you can do if you believe in what you want and what you will do.









If I ruled the world, I would do some changes that will make the world become better. I would publicize concept of peace, and try to reduce wars. I would also try my best to reduce taxation, help poor people with their producion and make business revive. I would change education too, because it is said that the fature of a country depends on children of the country. In a way, the future of the world depends on children of the world. So I think, the education is a very important factor to make the world become better. I would reduce class-time, reduce homeworks and build many appliances for play on the playground. I would make the schools become a kind of place that kids can be happy there, and like there. I would definitely be a good leader. If somebedy gave me honor to rule the whole world, I wouldnt let him(her down. I would do anything I can do to make the world become more beautiful, more peaceful and warmer.


嘉兴经济的增长十分快速。1999年以来,嘉兴市的大部分经济指标都高于全省、全国平均水平,而且也都高于长江三角洲十五个城市的平均水平。城乡居民人均收入分别增长40%和 30%。2001年,嘉兴市国内生产总值已达609亿元,增长12.3%,增幅居长江三角洲15个城市首位,总量由全省第7位前移到第6位。完成财政总收入53.5亿元,增长33.3%,其中地方财政收入29.7亿元,增长54石%,增幅居浙江省第H位。城镇居民人均可支配收入10920元,增长门见,农村居民人均纯收入5350元,增长13%,增幅均居浙江省第一位。


嘉兴的名胜古迹以“秀丽、壮观、精巧、古朴”为特色,形成四大类景观:一是以江南水乡淡雅、明秀的天然美蕴造而成的自然风物群落,置身于烟雨迷蒙的`南湖和幽静灵秀的南北湖,您会陶醉于这片“江南真山水”;二是得天独厚的藉大海之浩渺,潮汐之磅礴而成的壮观奇景, "八月十八潮,壮观天下无"的海宁钱江潮,平湖九龙山融山、海、岛、沙滩为一体的"南方北戴河"等景区令人不得不为大自然的豪迈奇绝而折服;三是赖能工巧匠之鬼斧神工,精致曲雅的古代园林艺术建筑,徜徉在朱彝尊故居曝书亭或是绮园,您一定会为那亭、廊、桥、池、舫、山浑然一体的布局而拍案叫绝;四是最具水乡敦实淳厚、静谧古朴遗风的泽园古镇,走在保留诸多明清建筑的西塘镇,那老街古巷、小桥廊棚蕴藉出的古朴幽静的乡情使人留连忘返。




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