[1]王福英.论小学教学中德育教育的渗透[J].现代阅读 (教育版 , 2013 (1 .
[2]宋贵.教书育人, 润物无声——小学语文教学中渗透德育教育的几点思考[J].中国校外教育, 2014 (5 .
[3]章小英.“法”润童心路径探寻——统编《道德与法治》一年级上册教学例谈[J].中小学德育, 2017 (10 .
Dear mom:
A: hello!
Mom this is my first time to write to you, so some shame.
How are you recently? Have a smooth work! How your mood these days, I have no dont care you one day.
How much I miss you, do you give me the rice, how delicious, I often dream of in the evening I went to the kitchen to steal to eat the food you do.
Mom you sit down and rest for a while! Dont be so hard to cook for us after work every day, every day we wash clothes... Every time after the meal, I want to help you wash the dishes, you say you dont have to tube chores, you just mind your own learning. Himself out of one eye, I am full of tears.
Ah! Mother I love you.
I wish you the best
Healthy body, the work is smooth.
教师在实际教育教学中比较容易陷入几种误区:以图代讲, 将德育课程变成了语文课堂上的看图说话训练;偏离原本的教学目标, 错误地解读了绘本的真正意义;将绘本内容与学生的实际生活割裂, 导致学生的课堂体验不足。想要走出这几个误区, 就要科学、合理地解读教材中绘本的实际意义和目标定位。
众所周知, 绘本是儿童生活中不可或缺的重要组成, 是其良好品德发展的有效载体, 亦是学校的重要教学资源的一部分。在一年级人教版的教材中, 绘本不仅仅在形式上吸引学生注意, 同时, 也为教师的课堂教学提供了教学情景, 最终达到促进学生德育发展的目的。利用此绘本教材, 教师要做到以学生为主体, 加以引导和指正, 并做到因材施教。
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