

首页看图更新时间:2023-01-20 05:53:53


Today my mother and I go to shopping. We went to a big shop. There are many things. Something about playing, some about diet and some about work.

I like the book is very small, so I have to go to the bookstore. Oh, there are a lot of books. I like it very much. So I ask a mother: "I can chice my favorite book?" My mother said: "good!" "Good! Thank you, mum!" Im happy to buy some books!


Today is a sunny. I and my friends went out shopping shopping mall. We go to see many T-shirt, rich and colorful,Wewent have lunch-their. Last time we buy at a black T-shirt, a bag and the socks. The receiver, were happy! Today, my mother and I go to shopping.

There are many things to the supermarket. There are many books on the bookshelf answer: have toys and ball shelf to b their pens and pencils on the bookshelf many fruits on the shelf have clothes shelf to colon I want to buy a new pen, a toy plane, a football. My mother wants to buy some fruit, a shirt, some fish. But we bought a new pen, a football, fish, and some fruit. We have a very good time, today.



前两天下着雨,没看到妈妈有什么奇特的举动。到了第三天,雨停了下来,久违的太阳光从云层中透了出来,我赶紧向妈妈汇报:“妈妈,雨停了,雨停了!”妈妈欣喜若狂,从衣柜里拿出了一大堆东 西,搬到了厨房里,开始忙碌起来,而我就开始写我自己的作业了。

一个小时以后,妈妈出来了,手里还拎着一件我从来都没有看见过的衣服。我问妈妈:“妈妈,你会变戏法吗?怎么变的?”妈妈告诉我:“这可不是新衣服,我只是拿了一件旧衣服染了一下。”“哇 ,我也可以试试吗?”我高兴的说。妈妈笑着说:“当然可以,今天就让我们享受一下DIY的乐趣。”

于是,我就把我的一件旧白色衬衣拿了出来,抱着衣服就往厨房跑。可一看到桌上的东西我就傻眼了:几个小独立包装,里头有一些五颜六色的粉末,一个铁盒子、一些食盐和一瓶白醋。我疑惑不解的 问妈妈:“这?染衣服就用这些东西?”“没错,就用这些,先把手套戴上。”我半信半疑的将手套戴上,然后问妈妈:“接下来要怎么做呢?”“我来告诉你,先打一盆大概六十度的热水,把你喜欢 的颜色的染料放进去,然后放一些那个铁盒子里的纯碱,再放些食盐,翻动一下,浸泡三十分钟。”我问:“就这么简单?”“其他的等下再告诉你。”我半信半疑的开始做起来。嗯,我喜欢蓝色,就 放蓝色吧……

三十分钟后,衣服的颜色已经变了,这下我相信了起来。我问妈妈:“还要怎么做呢?”妈妈神气的指挥着我说:“你再换一盆水,放些白醋,浸泡二十分钟就可以了。”我兴致勃勃的照妈妈的话做了 起来。二十分钟过去了,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,那件衣服已经完全变蓝了,漂亮的就像新的一样。我把妈妈叫了过来,得意洋洋的对妈妈说:“看,我的作品还不赖吧。”妈妈摸着我的头:“是 不错,可你知道衣服怎么变蓝的吗?”我不解的摇摇头。妈妈指着那些小工具对我说:“加入染料就可以染成你想要的颜色,而铁盒子里的纯碱是作为匀染剂,使颜色染得更均匀;食盐可以使染料的颜 色更加鲜艳;白醋起到固色的作用,使染好的衣物不易掉色。这些小工具缺一不可,这样才能成功的DIY出我们满意的作品。一件事情不仅要知其然,还要知其所以然才行。妈妈希望你碰到不知道的事情 要勇于提问,明白吗?”“嗯!好的!”我开心的.点头。



I am very happy, because to the festival, we put three days off, and my birthday is coming soon, in April 21. But I also feel sad because today is the Ching Ming Festival, is awakened to the days of revolutionary martyrs.

Revolutionary martyr for our better life today, laid down their lives! I feel very sad, so Im going to the revolutionary martyrs cemetery in East China Linyi, went to look at the revolutionary martyrs.


Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.

They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel,and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.


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