前情提要:炒菜”cook the meaIs”倒垃圾“empti the trash”
老师,全班同学齐读:“sweep the floor!”(扫地)(有杂音,有杂音!)
老师,全班同学齐读:“wayer the flowers!”(浇花)(有杂音,有杂音!)
同学1:“ I’can sweep the follr!”(我会扫地)
老师:“He’s helpfu!”(你有用)
老师:“齐读!wayer the flowers!“
同学XXXX+大声音最大:“wayer the floor!!!!”(浇地...)
刘爽对我们说:“我学会了个新单词!sweep the flowers!!!”(扫花) 我超级晕...
我对同桌说:“刘爽又发明了新单词!cook the trash!(炒垃圾)empty the Liushuang(倒刘爽)!!!!”
Dear friend,
If you want to learn English well ,I can give you some advice.
First,you should spend a lot of time to practise your English. Such as listening English songs on the radio,speaking English to your classmate,reading English newspaper and writing English positions.
Then you should try to listen carefully in your English lessons.You should be brave to talk with the foreigners.You should read a lot and practise your writing skills.
I hope that all I say can help you.
Best Wishes!
岁月峥嵘,时光飞逝.毕业分别,弹指十年.两载同窗,手足情深;十年思念,魂牵梦萦. 你好吗? 同学!
92英文专科,你我心中永远希望的港湾, 那里激荡着我们青春的豪情与憧憬; 92英文专科,你我心中长久温馨的港湾, 那里浸润着我们同窗的深情与友谊!
1994至XX.十年风雨,一路走过. 回首,我们虽有过困惑,有过彷徨,有过孤独与苦闷,但共同的信念鼓舞着我们,在困难面前永不退缩, 迎难而上,愈挫愈奋.春播秋收,十载耕耘. 我们欣慰:我们用汗水擦亮了我们的共有的胸章 “92英文”:
Dear Live Oak classmates,
How are you all? How time flies! It has been 8 months since I came back to China. Every time I look up at the photograph of our grade that was taken by Brittany’s mother and bears the signature of every one of you (this picture is now hanging up on the wall above our dining table, I cannot help thinking of you and the happy time we spent together. I do miss you often.
I am doing fine here in China and I like my present school life as much as I liked Live Oak. My classmates and teachers are very good to me, too. I have already caught up with my classmates in all the school lessons. Thanks to the Live Oak school education, I am now far ahead of my classmates in English, and I’m still doing a lot of English reading to keep up my English.
In the beginning of this semester, I was chosen to attend the School Robotics Team to practice for the robotics competition on behalf of my school. It’s a really big privilege, and I like it very much, because in my school there are one thousand and four hundred students and there are only four chosen. In the robotics practice, I learn to cooperate with my teammates and I need the big financial support from the school, because one single robot costs 50 thousand yuan. So it’s not a project that one person could do. We need to have team spirit as what we did in our Live Oak football game. On August 8, our school attended the national robot competition held in Xining, Qinghai, witch is neighboring Tibet. After two days’ competition, our team got a silver medal. During one of the days when we had no game, we went to the famous Qinghai Lake. It was so beautiful. It looked like an ocean because it was so large. Its water had many colors, blue, green, and purple, due to the ultraviolet rays.
I don’t go to church on Sundays in China, but I read the Bible with my mom every night. If we have time, we sing hymns too. God listens to my prayers. We have just bought a car. When our car was just two days old, my dad had parked the car just one centimeter away from the car next to ours. We were so worried that our new car would be scratched if the other car moved. In the evening, I prayed to God asking God to save our car. The next morning, we found our car in the parking lot safe and sound. And we were so thankful to God.
Although I have so much fun in China, I still miss the time I had in the U.S. Mrs. Moffat, thank you for letting me study in Live Oak, so that I have such a wonderful experience in my life. Mrs. Moore, I can still remember the big hug that you gave me the first time I visited Live Oak. How is Andrew doing? Has he passed all his surgeries? Some days ago, I have visited “Andrew’s Update” but I haven’t seen any updates. I hope that he is feeling better. Mrs. Brummeler, thank you for your patient help with my English in the first month when the new school life was tough for me and I could only understand a little bit of what was going on in class. Knox, thank you for being my first friend to offer help to me in class and letting me copy everything from your notes, including some small errors sometimes J. Hudson, how are you doing in your sports? I believe you are still the leader of the Live Oak Falcons. Joel, I miss the time that we were sharing grapes together at lunch time and we called that “Jump Grapes”. Andrew, hope you are still going to be the King at this year’s Christmas Nativity. And if you do, I hope you will have a good royal robe that you like. Ethan and Jordan, I will never forget that fabulous birthday party we boys had in the forest. Ethan, I thank you for the beautiful football that your cousin gave me. I have displayed it on the top of my bookshelf. Jordan, I am still keeping the two- dollar note that you gave me and it serves as my bookmark. Joshua, I thank you and your mom for taking me to school every day. I enjoyed the time when we were playing together. l wish we would be still playing ping-pong and pool together in that game room. Will, I remember that we had a fun time together when Mrs. Browning took us all together in her van to Jordan and Ethan’s birthday party. Luke, I miss the time when we were playing World War Ⅱ together at your house. I also remember the time when we were playing basketball together in the Baylor SLC and my mom said that you are a very nice and polite boy. Keegan, my mom had given her email address to your mom. If you ever come to China, please do come to Xiamen and visit me. Jerome, I really miss the time when we were playing tag in the playground. Caleb, I still remember that in recess time, you were always doing your Latin homework with Thomas as your “tutor” hanging on the “Monkey Bar” in the playground.
Dear girls, incase this letter would be too long, I’m not going to write to each of you. But do remember, I miss you as much as I miss the guys.
Hope all of you are doing well in your fifth grade life. I wish all of you can come to China someday in the near future. I look forward to being your host and showing you around my beautiful city.
I’d love to hear from you about anything fun in your life and our Live Oak Classical School.
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