我的校园生活作文英语 初一(初中英语作文我的校园)

我的校园生活作文英语 初一(初中英语作文我的校园)

首页话题更新时间:2023-12-28 19:19:22
我的校园生活作文英语 初一(初中英语作文我的校园)

我的校园生活作文英语 初一【一】

I read the book of Robinson Crusoe, their captors.

Article describes multiple sailing in the whole island, Crusoe masters of extraordinary survival 28 years experience, strive for survival, show the ingenuity and a man with indomitable perseverance in the face of hardship persistent existence desire, the lonely and eager to rescue the mood. In a lonely island overcome Robinson was done with fear, a savage and said he was "on Friday, they get along with each other, then built on Friday, Crusoe one kind of warm friendship." I also enjoy the disclosure of the business concept: Crusoe each sailing and adventure has clear commercial purpose, with his own property and calculating profit, he will also oneself life the island is his territory, in addition to reveal its economic thought, I admire John Robinson's rich, more learning his strong initiative and spirit of adventure, early efforts, hard work, and perfect kindness thought!

我的校园生活作文英语 初一【二】

i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart .

我的校园生活作文英语 初一【三】

Many of us suffer form bully of school-bullies nowadays,you weak it will strong.School is not only a place we can learn something.And school videncen have many influence for us too.Teachers should have a sense of responsibility and carefully found the things which happened in your students and then timely educate and protect them;School videncen",it just like a spring.

I think if we unite together to fight against with evil;is a popular word in the school during this years,you strong it will weak.As we should have a sense of justive and also have a heart of fighting against with evil.

So;t be feared,boycott school videncen is what everyone in school should do.The school will peace and harmonious again,but also is a small society.

我的校园生活作文英语 初一【四】


我对初中的生活,本是有无限憧憬的。当我数着日子,终于走进二楼东面第二间教室时,那心情,两个字:自豪!  环顾四周,一张张陌生的面孔,盛气凌人。我那好心情,顿时灰飞烟灭了。班主任四十多岁,男性,两眼放射出素穆的光辉。刹那间,一种恐怖的气氛将我笼罩了。班主任在讲话,直到我耳朵打瞌睡了,还没完。大概罗嗦是这一年龄段老师的通病吧。出于天生的叛逆,再加上从最高点摔落下来的心情,我对这个班,这个老师,好感是荡然无存。第二天,我极不情愿地,又极无地,走近了新生活的新课堂。











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