

首页话题更新时间:2023-12-15 00:42:51


我出生在一个贫苦的村落,而我家又是贫中之贫,我从来没抱怨过自己的身份和家里的窘迫,因为我知道这无法改变也无法选择,也知道比我不幸的人有很多,而他们依然坚强的活在世界上并且过的有滋有味。日子虽然很苦但我们过得和温暖很踏实,一块硬饼,一口凉水,一件补了又补的衣服,我都没有嫌弃过,因为我知道里面包含着父母的爱 。

由于我考上县中学,便有给父母增加经济负担,为了学费母亲把那对视为比生命还重的银手镯当卖了,那是奶奶留给母亲的,那是祖祖辈辈流传下来的。我知道母亲是十分不舍的,便在心里打起小算盘来 ,我把自己的伙食费留了一半存起来放在后山的一个废墟地点。当然自己留下的钱是不够,每当同学看见我不吃菜就说我吃的饱吗?我拍着自己的肚子说:“瞧是鼓这的。”其实我饿得要命,但我还是靠信念坚持下来了,把钱凑齐了,可当我去赎的时候,那对银手镯已经找不到了。



Spring is the season of the year. In the four seasons of the year, spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own unique beauty, especially the scenery in spring, which is more popular. Because spring has a unique charm, let me tell you the spring I see.


The main part of spring is beauty. Beauty lies in the scenery of spring, because spring is the season for all things to recover, and the most beautiful time for rain and wind. Spring rain is very special. It's not as cold and dry as summer and autumn rain. Spring rain brings its own fragrance in the process of falling. It's light and fragrant. How can people not like it? Spring rain falls like millions of embroidery needles, neat and delicate, like a girl's hair in the air. Occasionally there is a cool feeling in the air.


People feel more comfortable than that. Under the light and moist spring rain, the green grass and trees are green, just like the arrival of spring girl adds some color to our earth. A school of vitality, flowers slowly from the ground, as if to say: "spring is good, really comfortable!" When it comes to flowers, the most unforgettable thing is the spring rose. The white and flawless flowers on it are like the princess in the fairy tale, as well as the budding buds in it, which give out a bright light under the spring light.


Spring is a symbol of auspiciousness and beauty. In the spring plain, it is even wider and boundless, all green. The grassland is like a green carpet. All kinds of creatures are gathered together. Some eat grass, some play and fight with their companions, some chase after each other, as if feeling the beauty of spring. Birds also fly freely in the air in groups, with laughter on their faces. Chirp of say: "spring is really beautiful!"


Spring brings vitality to all things in the world. I hope we can protect the environment and make nature better.


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