小白兔的公园,在大森林的一角。长藤垂下秋千,树枝搭起浪桥。还有很多的球:松果、山检、山核桃…… 可惜没有滑梯,这就不怎么好。这件事项项重要,大象伯伯知道了。
他踱着方步,走到草地中间,立住了脚。他用鼻子把小白兔轻轻一牙包,在自己宽阔的背上轻轻放好。小白兔们愣了一下,立刻就明白了!他们从象伯伯那长长的弃子上滑了下来—— 乐得蹦蹦刀上跳……如今,我梦见的大象伯伯来到我们儿童乐园—工人伯伯把他建造。
我们是快乐的小白兔,但不用别人来抱。我们从犬象的尾巴爬上去,从他那长长的弄子上滑下来—乐得哈哈大笑! 我们玩累了,要回家了。大象伯伯还站在那里,等待另一批“小白兔”,等待另一阵快乐的喊叫。他不用吃饭,也不用吃草,而且不会疲劳主。
Elephants are the biggest wild animals in land, in the world. But now, they are also in danger. Let me tell something to you about them.
Elephants are big and strong and they are grey. They have long trunks and tusks, so they look a little dangerous. But in fact, they’re friendly towards each other and hardly hunt people.
Elephants have ears like fans, they make them look bigger and bigger.
They live in a group together for many years, they’re a big family. They also have good hearing and good sense of smell. Elephants can do lots of things if people train them. For example, they can carry heavy things, can do as a vehicle, ext.
Badly, it’s difficult for elephants to survive in the world usually because of people. If people sell tusks, they will make lots of money.
So, many people kill elephants for their tusks. Living areas are also an important reason of the die out of elephants.
Animals are our friends, we should protect them, or the number of wild animals will getting smaller and smaller.
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