

首页话题更新时间:2023-11-29 16:07:42








只有灵活、恰当地掌握创新构思的方法,才能写出有新意的考场佳作来。一般说来,的创新构思,可有下列切入角 度。


许多中考话题都具有多义性,若只盯住其本义或其常用义,则构思很难出新,写出的作文虽不跑题但也显得一般化,若撇开其本义或常见义,转而从其引申义或 其比喻义的角度切入,构思定能出新。如黑龙江省2001年的中考话题是"水",若从自然界之"水"这个意思层面上去理解,把"水"当成名词,则构思很难出 新;若把"水"理解成形容词,如"这个人很水",在这个层面上理解"水"的意思,则其拟题、行文都会很有新意。


有许多中考话题的意思非常宽泛,若给话题加上一些限制语或修饰语,便缩小了话题的内涵,有利于考场作文出新出奇。如海南省中考话题是"第一次",便应 缩小其内涵,才有利于构思选材,考场作文才能出新出奇。这里要强调的是:添加的限制语或修饰语,必须避开众生皆谈、人云亦云的误区,要从自己的材料库中那 许多不为人知的人、事、景、物着手。这样,新颖、独特的作文内容就会流于笔底,并能紧紧地抓住阅卷老师的眼和心。


围绕话题,自我多方设问,多方求答,用以开启思维,立意选材,这是众多考生的一般作法。然而,绝大多数考生只知沿着话题正向发问,而很少有逆向发 问的。如江西省2001年中考话题"尊重",考生可以提出"何为尊重"、"谁尊重谁"、"为什么要尊重"、"谁可做尊重或被他人尊重的典范"等等问题,这 些都是从正面发问,没能跳出常规思维的圈子;若舍弃"正向",从"逆向"角度思考发问,"为什么谁不尊重谁"、"不尊重他人好不好,为什么"、"不尊重的 事例或现象有哪些"、"怎样消除不尊重现象"等等,如此这般的提问思考,文章的构思、选材就避开了老调,步入了新境。


围绕考试话题,写自己经历的事,写自己身边的事,从家庭时空、从社会时空、从学校时空范围去立意选材,这本无不可。但这都是从话题的"现实时空"去构 思的。若能启动联想、想象或幻想,从话题的"过去时空"或"未来时空"角度去构思,只要联想、想象或幻想的人、事、景、物合乎情理,不管写的是话题的"过 去时空"或"未来时空",只要能含蓄、曲折地反映话题的"现实时空",便能写出颇具新意的考场作文来。如四川省德阳市2001年的中考话题"初三生活", 若一般人可能都会写自己或同龄人的初三生活,若启动联想、想象或幻想,写爷爷、奶奶的初三生活或几十年以后自己子孙的初三生活,只要合乎情理,则定能让阅 卷老师耳目一新,从而拍案叫绝。 





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yesterday i read a book the name of the book is《dr bethune》.

dr bethune was a famous doctor from canada. in 1938 he came to china. at that time china was at war with japan. he worked as a doctor in the chinese army and saved many soldiers’ lives. he worked very hard and became sick. dr bethune died in 1939. he was only 49 years old. he was a good man and we remember him today.

i think the book is very very good!

written by wu qingxiang

mar. 31

how to do research

——reading after a science paper

these days i am busy preparing my dissertation which is about web usage mining . i read some english papers and learnt much from them . and now i want to say something about a paper titled “web usage mining:discovery and applications of usage patterns from web data”.

this is the first english paper i read about dissertation and gave me great help .

this paper is a review about web usage mining. it introduced web usage mining in detail . although it is a little old for it was published in its contents are very useful today . it is organized according to the sequence of web usage mining and the six main parts are introduction which tells me what is web usage mining the sources and abstraction of web data the three steps of web usage mining taxonomy and project survey websift overview privacy issues . the third and fourth parts are most important . it had a list of existing project about web usage mining which i saw many times in other papers but this paper is the one creating this list . besides it has been referred for more then twenty times . as we all know that the higher the referred number is the more important the paper is so i consider this paper to be an important and successful one in this region.

in my opinion the success of this paper dues to three reasons . the first reason is the profound computer knowledge owned by the authors . web usage mining relates to many subjects such as artificial intelligence ontology semantic analysis but the most basic knowledge is computer science . the four authors are all professors of department of computer science and engineering in university of minnesota . for myself i am not major in computer science and i am not very good at computers so i feel a little difficult to understand technologies used in this region.

second they had read a large number of papers before they wrote this paper . there are fifty nine references listed after main contents . “stand on the shoulders of giants” this sentence tell us a truth : one can never successful all by oneself . and what’s more learn from others can save a lot of time and energy especially for us new learner . how to learn from others is a skill all of us should master but learning doesn’t mean copy or plagiary . other people’s knowledge and production is just our foundation upon this foundation we must have our own thoughts and creation. there are many remarks in this paper where referred other’s production.

third the authors had the experience of developing a web usage mining project . they don’t just engage in idle theorizing so their comprehension on this issue is greatly profound. they know what we may meet in a real project development and they know how to resolve them . after reading this paper i also read some other papers written in chinese . some of them are not based on real project and can not give useful resolution . websift is the name of system they developed which can be used to data mining and analysis .

i wrote this article not only because it gave me much help in preparing my dissertation but also because it tells me how to study and how to do research . honesty and preciseness are two essential making a researcher must have . hard-working is the necessary condition leading to success . this is just the beginning of my dissertation i should learn from these four authors both their knowledge and their attitude to study.


a tale of two cities occupies a central place in the canon of charles dickens\'s works. this novel of the french revolution was originally serialized in the author\'s own periodical all the year round. weekly publication of chapters 1-3 of book 1 began on april 30, 1859. in an innovative move, dickens simultaneously released installments of the novel on a monthly basis, beginning with all of book 1 in june and concluding with the last eight chapters of book 3 in december. dickens took advantage of the novel\'s serial publication to experiment with characterization, plot, and theme. he described the work in a letter to his friend john forster, cited in rudi glancy\'s a tale of two cities: dickens\'s revolutionary novel, as \"a picturesque story rising in every chapter, with characters true to nature, but whom the story should express more than they should express themselves by dialogue.\" the novel that emerged from his experimentation is now regarded as one of dickens\'s most popular and most innovative works.

dickens\'s work was very popular with the reading public when it was first published. one review in the magazine athenaeum stated that a tale of two cities had attracted the praise of a hundred thousand readers. on the other hand, a whole set of critics, most notably sir james fitzjames stephen writing in saturday review, criticized the novel precisely for its popularity. \"most of the critics writing in the intellectual and literary journals of the day considered popular success a good reason to condemn a work,\" explains glancy. \"if the public liked it, they certainly could not be seen to approve of it at all.\" modern critical opinion, however, has given the novel an important place among dickens\'s most mature works of fiction.


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