

首页话题更新时间:2023-09-04 06:47:08


市民享用。我会将这样洁净的水洒在嫩绿的小草上,洒在鲜艳的花朵上,让花草送给人芬芳。 只有从懂得环保,每个人投身环保,盐城才会变成美好的.人间。来吧,朋友,这里有无边无际的草地,美丽芬芳的花园;来吧,朋友,这里有茂密的森林,清新的空气。宽阔清澈的河流穿城而过,河流还会伸出无数的臂膀,那是一条条清澈的小溪,孩子们在那里玩耍,远处还会传来清脆的鸟鸣。只要人人都献出一份爱,世界将会变得更美好。 假如我是环保局长,我会呼吁人们:保护环境,创建绿色城市。我不会整天坐在办公室里接电话,我会奔走在盐城的大街小巷,看看盐城的天是不是那样蓝,看看盐城的地是不是那样干净,喝喝盐城的水是不是那样卫生。 假如我是环保局长,我不会让化工厂污染盐城的空气和土壤。我宁愿不要经济增长,也不能让化工厂的污水污染了美丽的家乡。如果家乡被弄脏了,这经济增长还有什么意义呢? 如果我做不好环保局长,如果盐城成为不适合人居的地方,我会引咎辞职,因为我辜负了大家的希望。


Dear ,

Much to my regret / I amterribly sorry that I am unable to . It is mainly because at that timeI will be full occupied by which is quite out of my expectation, and thatconflicts with your .Therefore I am forced to adjust my schedule and cannot make my presence on your . I sincerely hope thatyou will enjoy a good time. By the way, can we have dinner together some timenext week? I hope to see you soon.

I am really sorry againand I trust that you will understand.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear professor Jackson:

I am indeed very sorry that I missed the examination you gave on Moby-Dick last Wednesday. I feel badly about it and want you to know what happened.

On my way to class that day,I had a flat tire,and I had to go with the mechanic when he repaired it. It took me more than one hour to get it done. A copy of the bill is enclosed.

I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. I would appreciate your allowing me to take a make up examination. I will #e to your office during your office hour on Monday to discuss this possibility with you. Once again,I''m sorry fro any inconvenience caused.

Sincerely yours,



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