

首页话题更新时间:2024-10-16 21:03:58


达。芬奇是欧洲文艺复兴时期意大利一位卓越画家。他从小爱好绘画,父亲送他到佛罗伦萨,拜名画家佛罗基奥为师。第一堂课老师教他画鸡蛋。他画 了一个又一个,足足画了十几天,老师还是让他继续画鸡蛋,这一下达。奇想不通了,就问老师:“为什么老是让我画鸡蛋?”老师告诉他:鸡蛋虽然痹通,但天下 没有绝对一样的,即使是同一个鸡蛋,角度不同,投下的光线不同,比方说,把头抬高一点看,或者把眼睛放低一点看,这个蛋的椭圆形轮廓就会有差异。因此画蛋是基本功。基本功要练到得心应手。“



Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “The Adaptation of the Classical Literature”. In the essay, you should (1 describe the picture (2 interpret its meaning (3 give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points?

The picture gives us a view of a popular phenomenon: the adaptation of the classics. Some classical literary works, such as our four great classics i.e. A Dream of Red Mansions, Journey to the West, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Heroes of the Marshes, are all adapted to cater to some readers’ tastes. The traditional characters become so strange and the plots are totally different. It is so ridiculous that the precious literary treasures are allowed to be ruined so much.

As we all know, the classical literature is the representation of the outstanding art of our nation. Some familiar characters such as Monkey King express the good wishes of our common people. From them, we learn many good virtues such as honesty, bravery, justice etc. However, in those adapted works named “Bantering***”or “Reboiling***”, all plots are changed and all characters become somewhat watered clown. Some readers interested in reading burlesque works have high praise for them. But they never think of the negative effects of such adaptations on the average reader, especially to children. Children are the future of the nation. They always believe that what is in the books is the truth. Those adapted works will affect their outlook on life.

Therefore, some measures should be taken to restrict these adaptations. The real classics should be presented on the bookshelves to lead people to appreciate the real art.



他幼年为僧,寺院附近种值有一万多株芭蕉,每日摘采蕉叶练字。蕉叶用完了就用浅色漆盘和方木板练字,写满字迹后,擦掉再练。久而久之,竟把漆盘 和木板磨穿了。寺院的墙壁上,家具上,连僧人做袈裟的布上都写满了字。他每日勤奋刻苦练字,用秃了许多毛笔,堆集起来埋在山下,名曰“笔冢”。






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