

首页话题更新时间:2024-09-22 05:50:46


2. Many schools demand the students wear uniforms. Some people think that such a practice can undermine their personality and individuality. What is your opinion?

3. Some people believe that pet animals such as cats and dogs cannot be kept in the cities, especially in busy modern cities. Do you agree or disagree?

4. Nowadays, teenagers cause a lot of social problems due to lack of discipline. Some people think that parents should spend more time staying with their children. Do you agree or disagree?

5. Nowadays, many children have their part-time jobs. Some people say that doing part-time jobs is useful, but others argue that children should enjoy their childhood. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

6. Some people think if students want to learn a foreign language, it is advisable for them to learn it in the native countries where the language is actually spoken. Whats your opinion? Give your reasons.

7. In some countries, there are women taking the positions of police officers, while some people believe that women are not suitable to work in the police force. DO you agree or disagree? Write your reasons and give examples in your experience.







首先映入我眼帘的是一道红色的横幅,上面写着“华南碧桂园学校第四届口语比赛”几个大字。 我们按照老师安排的座位坐了下来,等待比赛的开始。不一会儿,各班的同学、老师也陆续到了,比赛开始了。只见二年级的两位小主持人快步大方地走上台,为大家报幕。你们可别看他们小,说起英语来可流利呢!选手出场了,先是一年级的一位小同学,她虽然年纪小,但说起英语来,也是毫不逊色。她不仅说得流畅,面对评委的提问,回答也是干脆利落。接下来是一个三年级的小女孩,她那流利的英语,使得我们每个人都瞪大了眼睛,小学生《难忘的口语比赛》。她一说完,台下就响起了雷鸣般的掌声。

“到我们班的严威同学上场了。”我们一听到这声音就紧张起来,一个个屏息凝视,生怕他一紧张就忘词,但他不负众望,在台上,他平静自信地演讲着,边说还边做动作呢!评委们问他问题时,我们的心像有一只小兔子一样“怦怦”直跳,生怕他答不上来。他却显出一副满不在乎的样子,准确流利地回答完所有问题。演讲完了,他长长地舒了一 口气,从容地走下台。观众席上响起了热烈的掌声。我的\'心也平静了下来。接下来的选手也都不逊色,一个个过五关斩六将。一个一年级的孟加拉小男孩的演讲更是引人入胜,令人回味无穷。

因为当时正属于激情低潮期,所以这个聪明的小男孩故意在我们不注意的时候,把故事中的“啊”向上升了四度,我们一下子热情高涨,个个都全神贯注地听着。不知不觉又到我们班的Yura同学演讲了,他可是名副其实的外国人,说起英语是流利得不知怎么形容,根本不存在结巴。但他还是有点紧张,双手直搓,但我们可不紧张,因为他是外国人嘛!演讲终于完毕了, 在等待比赛结果的时间里,小主持人还带领我们玩游戏、唱歌。最激动人心的时刻到了,这时我们的英语老师走上台,我的心一下子又紧张起来,当老师说到我们班的Yura、严威分别获得一二等奖时,我们开心极了,都使劲地鼓掌,向他们表示祝贺。这次口语比赛,真是既使人紧张,又让人开心,而且让我们学到不少知识。



比赛是十个人一组,于是我便在外面等着,只听主持人叫道:“十号上场!”我的心怦怦的跳了起来,马上就要轮到我了呀!这时,主持人又喊:“十一号!”听到主持人在叫我,我便像箭一般的跑到了台上,背着台词:Hello,everybody, my name’s Weng Qi. My English……自我介绍说完了以后讲故事:Little red ridding hood(小红帽。故事讲完了以后唱歌,随着音乐的.响起,我轻轻地唱了起来:You and me, from one world……别看我表面上笑嘻嘻的,其实心里可紧张了。唱完歌,我道了声谢,连忙冲下台,坐到选手席上。

虽然我入围复赛,并在复赛中发挥正常,但我却没有入围 决赛,真是遗憾。不过我有了第一次练习的机会,也挺好的。“山外有山,天外有天”,我以后要刻苦学习英语,将来要入决赛。


虽然来源于身边社会,但不可让描述方式变的太鸡毛蒜皮,拿不上台面。其实这点非常容易办到,只需要把事件中某一个具体的你,我,他,变成是客观群体,比如说people across the globe, students, they之类的人称即可。


for example,/for instance,(后加句子)

Such as/ like      (后加词组)

Take... as an example,

A case in point is that......


1. 应避免使用第一人称和第二人称,为了加强客观性,应将人称写成第三人称。

改正:Those people who raise pets, such as dogs and cats, are more likely to gain happiness and relieve their loneliness.(那些养宠物,例如养猫和养狗的人往往更容易获得快乐并且缓解孤独感)

2. 应避免引用一项调查研究,并同时伴有过多数据。应将数据去掉,用含糊的方法表示。

改正:There is much evidence to show that the number of people smoking has increased at an alarming rate in China. (大量证据表明。。。)

3. 应避免将例子局限在一个国家,尤其是中国。应将范围放至全世界。

改正:Many children around the world like to sit in front of the screen for a long time, leading to their poor eyesight.(在全世界,许多孩子在屏幕前待太久,导致了他们的视力减弱。

“全世界”的表达方式:around the world, all over the world, across the globe

【写作真题】The advocates of international aid believe that countries have a moral obligation to help each other, while the opponents consider it necessary, because money is misspent by the governments that receive it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

【名师献计】This aid is essential to the homeless and useful in helping recipient countries return to their normal state after major disturbances. For example, with the humanitarian relief obtained worldwide on an annual basis, victims of natural disasters (such as tsunami, drought, flood throughout the world can recover rapidly and rebuild their homeland.



例:A survey indicates that the number of people smoking has increased to as high as 65 percent in China.(一项调查显示。。。)

"65%"让文章看起来有些假,有捏造的嫌疑。"A survey"又不够具有代表性。


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