弹指一挥间,转眼两年快过去了,中专在校时光即将流逝。5月已开始6月将临,即将踏上社会,走向职业生涯 ,面临实习。
这对我来说,不算什么。在困难与挫折面前 ,我会坦然的去面对,不会去选择退缩,而是勇敢的去挑战。因为我知道,“天下无难事,只怕有心人。”;“有志者,事竟成。”
在接下来的这一年里,我想我会真正的成熟、成长起来。因为我知道,家有负债,我家负有。能不能成才我不知道,但我知道我一定会成人。因为我要做一个有用的人,一个人成不了才没关系,但一定要成人。因为我知道,一个人不管从事什么职业,凡事先做人,后做事。学会做人,会做人是每一个人终身学习的课题和目标,是每一个人适应社会,成就事业的根本。因此,“做人为本,技能立身。”将成为我终身的座右铭。学会做人,凭借所学技能立身于社会。我要改变自我,改变自身乃至改变家庭。因为我知道,我要成为一个有用的人,有责任义务的人, 敬职敬业。无论是对社会还是对家庭。
20xx年 x月x日
Dear my father and mother,
This letter is my inner feelings. I want to thank both of you for so many years’ care and help.
During my growth, you have made a lot of efforts and love for me. When I make a success, both of you are more excited than me, and support me to do better. Even though I have failed, you always share sorrow with me and encourage me not to give up. Especially, during my preparation for CET-4, the support from you is always everywhere. I have passed the exam successfully.
You love is so unselfish that I am deeply affected, so I will study hard to be a useful person and won’t make you disappointed. Anyway, I would like to express the deep gratitude to you.
With best wishes.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
我一下火车,哇!这还是我的家乡吗?变了,全变了, 每个人家里的摩托车都换成了豪华的.轿车,路上几乎没有除了汽车意外的车。这地方让我变得好陌生,我自己家都不知道在哪了,傻呆呆的在马路上拉着自己可爱的行李,背后突然传来了一群熟悉的声音,“哇!你们都是谁啊!一个个都好漂亮啊,”哦!原来都是我的姐妹们,我做着他们的宝马回家,她们突然向一栋大别墅开去,妈呀!他们是不是攀上哪个大款啦,后来经他们以介绍才知道那是我现在的家,我还有我自己的房间是我以前房间的两倍,还有我喜欢的白色笔记本电脑,
Dear Mary,
You said in your letter that many of your classmates wore fashionableclothes, but you couldn't afford them so you felt very depressed. There are dif-ferent views on people's clothes. The followings are my ideas:
Firstly, you shouldn't put too much emphasis on physical appearance.
Remember that the most important task for you today is to concentrate on yourstudies. No matter what you wear, you will really look your best when youcome out first in your examinations.
Secondly, you should understand that it is a fine virtue to live in fru-gality. Just as a famous saying goes, Frugality is the mother of virtue.
Since your family can't provide you with enough money to buy fashionableclothes, it is all the more necessary for you to try to lighten the financialburden of your family. And you will find the virtue of frugality benefit youa lot in your future life.
I hope you understand what I mean. Hope you will take a positive attitudetowards life and will be happy again when you read my letter.
春天, 万物复苏,小河水哗哗地顺流而下; 活泼机灵的小鸟们在枝头喳喳地纵情歌唱; 小草们神不知鬼不觉地从地下探出了脑袋,大地换上了绿色的新衣; 小野花们争先恐后地展示着自己的美丽; 一棵棵大树好像正在返老还童, 抽出嫩黄色的新芽;。年迈的`凤凰木也紧跟着春天的步伐, 吐出米粒大小的嫩叶, 就像刚出生的婴儿那般娇嫩。
夏天,太阳像一个火炉似地炙烤着地面。凤凰木的叶子早已变成了深绿色,枝条也向四周扩展了许多,变成了一把绿色的大伞。当太阳透过茂密的树叶筛下一束束金光时, 美丽的凤凰花绽开了一张张笑脸,好像给凤凰木披上了红色的霞衣。
秋天,凤凰树的叶子慢慢地变成了金黄色,在微风吹拂下纷纷飘落下来, 给地面铺上了一层厚厚的金色地毯。课间十分钟,我和小伙伴们在凤凰树下尽情地玩耍、嬉闹,甭提有多高兴了。
冬天,刺骨的寒风从耳边呼呼地刮过,古老的凤凰木褪去了繁华,仿佛一个弯着腰、知识渊博的老学者,正在讲述着她一百多年来的沧桑岁月, 并勉励我们克服各种困难、勤奋学习,成为对国家有贡献的人才。
Dear all,
I am writing this letter to express my gratitude to my parents for teaching me to be positive and to be strong. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” is the opinion held by Aristotle. It is the experience of our forefathers, however, it is correct even today, including my parenting.
It is widely acknowledged that parenting, which can also be explained as family education, is of great significance in our character forming and manner acquiring. To be more detailed, setting good examples instead of just giving precepts is the greatest achievement of my parents. They not only taught me to think for the best and prepare for the worst; they taught me how. They not only told me the benefits of being strong in mind; they proved it. All those things require huge amount of time and work, but it’s worth it.
Without my parents’ contribution and education, I would never be who I am now. But most importantly, I would never be more gratitude to them than today.
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