Dear Mrs. Nelson,
My name is Rick Schultz. I don’t know if you remember me, but I was in your English class at Westview High School in 20xx. I used to argue with you about the merits of science fiction as a form of literature. Recently I met several other former students of yours, Gerald Bryant, Ron Brown, Dawn Smith, and Dave Lee. Naturally we spent much of the time we were together talking about your class and how much we enjoyed it. So I decided to write you and find out how you are doing.
As I said, we all remember your class with great fondness. If you are still teaching, I hope your current students appreciate how fortunate they are.
Sincerely yours,
Rick Schultz
“铃、铃、铃。”上课了,外教老师刚进门,原本热闹非凡的教室立即变得鸦雀无声。外教老师很风趣,老师和我们先互相做自我介绍。轮到邵耀萱说了,她说:“I am Shao Yao Xuan。”老师故意把她的名字说成了“Shao 、Shao 、Shao ”他那语调特别搞笑。顿时,同学们哈哈大笑起来。
到我了,我说:“I am Tina。”这时,老师张开双臂,我也跟着张开双臂。显然我误解了他的意思。他忽然把我抱了起来,并在我的右脸上猛亲了一下,我被刚才的`情景吓了一跳,原来老师刚才的举动是对我的友好。他把我轻轻地放下来,并给我一块糖,我连忙对老师说“Thank You”。外教老师还和我们做了许多有趣的游戏,可惜的是我们听不懂老师讲的话,为了让我们长大后能够走出国门,学到更多的知识,我们一定要好好学习英语。
Grandpa was ill. He was lying on the bed all day. He looked haggard and frowned. Originally smooth and round face suddenly added a lot of wrinkles, black and shiny hair also lost the luster of the past, a few strands of white hair quietly climbed to the top of the head.
In my school days, fortunately, there are also kittens around him to bring him some happiness. I hope Grandpa will get better soon and continue to live happily with me.
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