Children's finally here, it is our holiday, but imagine the children also accompanied by together, everybody is more excited.
Children on this day, white clouds float over the blue sky, the children also have made a hot air balloon, they sit together on yourself a hot-air balloon, extremely happy! Balloon flying high, and finally flew to the sky, the children are in the sky holiday, the children sit on clouds, umpa jump, like a frisky little monkey.
Playing children, suddenly to rain cats and dogs, the children of the balloon has stalled, baiyun sister swept away by the wind, the children fell into despair. Is a time of crisis, a group of dragonflies sister and sister flew caught the children, and the safety of the children to the ground.
On the ground, only butterflies woven into a rainbow "lei", the children wear a wreath, some like a fairy, some like a warrior.
Play tired, the children fell asleep between full of fragrance of flowers.
Children's good play my imagination, to one day be able to live in such a children's day.
喜鹊热情好动,歇落人家墙头屋角,喀喀喀,喀喀喀,摇头摆尾叫着,不忘梳理一下花衣裳,急匆匆地又赶路去了。看样子 挺忙碌的。老习惯的话说,“喜鹊叫喳喳,好事到我家”,喜鹊报喜道贺,受人欢迎。我老家另一则歌谣是:“喜鹊母,喂幼雏,大口吞,小口吐。”喜鹊有个小小 的缺点,就是有点馋嘴。不过,这一段轶闻,并不妨碍世人对它“喀喀喀”的信任。
喜鹊,其特点是嘴尖、尾长,在黑色羽毛的包围之中,突出了肩部 和腹部的一些白色,叫声响亮。故乡的人都很喜欢这种生灵,认为喜鹊是吉祥的.,它的叫声是一种好兆。它们总是结伴的一雌一雄,或立足于房脊,或跳跃于树枝, 像笑一样发出叫声。而且随之全身颤动,尤其它的尾颠簸得厉害。喜鹊是罕见的,但它却可能出现于任何一个季节。
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