There is a news that makes me shocked. It is said that there happened a violent event in compus which cause 4 students injured and 2 dead. Some reasons arouse in this event.First, schools should try to avoid things like this, if the students are injured or dead, the schools have responsibility to them; second, families, especially parents should educate their children well, give them a good guide and take care of them; third, the society should control violent events. If the above three try their best and pay enough attention to them, things like this should be avoided.
我们班的图书馆没有博物馆那么大,没有名师粹族那样动 人诗篇,但是它的好处大得很呢!大本子在时垫试卷,小本 子是精粹的能丰富知识提高水平。图书管理员也是“大公无 私”的。图书管的书越来越多,每当只值日岗张眼一望时,都忍 不住要进来看一看,别的班级更是羡慕不已,偶尔一个排一个地 来借图书每次反映都是好。
图书馆有几个规矩: 为保图书,请用报纸、稿纸来包书面。 不准乱扔书,不准乱翻书,不准折压书,不准乱划书,不 准乱换书。 最后一条,在看完书后,要交给管理员。……
我们班级的图书馆是个个同学用零用钱买的它是凝聚我们 团结友爱的证明,是表现我们积极参与的根本。瞧!一个个在仔 仔细细地看书,好像沉浸在书里一样,一位位天才儿童向征着祖 国未来的发展鸿图! 祖国有着历史五千年的变化,我们班级的图书管,载满了 祖国日新月异的变化,它将变得更加美好,“富裕”。
一直以来,班级的图书馆还是那样凝固在那里,到“明 天……甚至“未来”都不会变。
The green campus is not only the environmental being green, but also the sprite being green, which means we should do other things like helping each other or caring each other. Therefore, we should both beautify the campus environment and create a campus culture.
As middleschool students, we enjoy the campus time while we have responsibility to build our green campus. In spiritual term, we should respect teachers, classmates and other people work for the school. In environmental term, we should have good habits to keep campus in a clean surrounding.
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