

首页话题更新时间:2023-06-27 00:52:56


我和小刚是同班同学,他是这学期才从外地转学来到本校就读的。但不知怎么一回事,我对他的印象始终不是很好,直到前几天发生的一件事,使我对他的看法了有了根本性的转变。“叮叮……”下课铃响了。同学们纷纷拿起饭碗,只等老师一声“下课”,就以百米冲刺的速度冲向食堂。果然,老师刚说下课走出教室时,教室里时间就只剩下我和小刚以及其它几位同学。我一边苦笑着说:“他们跑的也太快了,又不是没吃过饭。”一边将手伸入课桌之中准备拿碗。拿出之后,我又伸入裤包内想要拿饭卡,可是搜索了很久也不见其踪迹,于是我就推测: 饭卡很可能是不小心掉落了在哪儿去了,也有可能落在家里了。总之,看样子中午就吃不成饭了。我将手抱在头上,望着天花板对天说:“天啊!我今天也太倒霉了吧!看样子,以后出门要看黄历了。”我的动作引起了小刚的注意,他拿着碗走过来关切的问道:“你怎么了?”我回答道:“没什么。”既然没什么,那你为什么在这儿仰天大叫呢?”他追问道。我见遮掩不过去,便只好如实对他说:“实不相瞒,我的饭卡不见了,所以今天中午就吃不成饭。“喔!是这样啊!那好办,你用我卡去打饭,你不就有吃的了吗?”小刚笑着说。我不好的说:“那不好,那是你的卡,我怎么能用呢?”“没事,不就是一顿饭吗?至于那么计较吗?”“那也不行。不就是饿一顿吗?没什么事的,我推辞道。”俗话说:“人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。只有吃饱了,下午才有力气学习啊!”小刚劝道。“那……好吧!我以后会还你的”。我们是同学,互相帮助是应该的,不必挂在心上,小a笑着说,那快走吧!别人都快吃完了。“好!等等我”我笑着说……。这虽然是一件小的不能再小的事,但我却永远不会忘记。因为这件让我明白不光是同学之间,人与人之间应该互相帮助,不应袖手旁观。同时这也是中华传统美德之一,我们作为炎黄子孙应该发扬这种精神!让爱永远存在人与人之间! 同学总是天天相处,日日碰面,在上学时难免会发生一些事,所以我要向你讲一件我和晓明发生的事。 那是酷暑难熬的暑假的一天,我和晓明约好一起到从文书店去看书。下午2点我们在兰陵广场碰了面,骑着自行车来到从文书店。 我们把车停在停车场后,我迫不急待地冲进了从文书店。在茫茫的书海中如饥似渴地寻找我所想要的书。晓明也走进了这片辽阔的“知识海洋”,开始寻找他所需要的书。 我漫不经心地翻阅着书本。突然,我的眼睛在密密麻麻的书海中被一本叫《童话世界》的杂志吸引了。因为我被封面上的.一名话“爱因斯坦乖狐狸说:天才与你的距离就是这本书”这句话所吸引。 我不由自主地翻开书本,我开始还是耐着性子慢慢看,后来却情不自禁地投入到故事里的情节里去了。正当我看得津津有味时,晓明走过来对我说:“博巍,好了吗?”我还陶醉在书的海洋里,一时还回不过神来。晓明见我没反应,往我手里的书看,这一看不得了,连他也投入到情节中了。共2页,当前第1页12



My deskmate called Jiang Junyang, is the monitor of our class, and math head she had a pair of big eyes, thick black eyebrows and a little mouth. What impressed me most, however, was her professionalism as a monitor and a math team leader.


Remember, once our class classmate violated discipline, before class run around, and loud noise, she discipline discipline students, they said: "&ldquo, you can manage?" When the monitor is not bragging ” I feel anxious at the side, to help her to help out “ ”, to my surprise, my deskmate doesnt seem very anxious, she calmly told the students said: “ I am the monitor, is to you only elected, I am better than you high level, if not convinced, when you try on the monitor! ”


Another time, a students math homework is done bad, want to muddle through, but because of the ancient mathematics leader?? Yaoyin responsible, his work was discovered. She said to the student, "&ldquo, your homework is sloppy. Please do it again.". ” unexpectedly, the student said, "“ Oh, dont be so stingy, the teacher wont scold you anyway.". &rdquo: she told the student very seriously, "&rdquo, homework is not something to deal with. Its a good way to review after class. You dont have the right attitude towards homework. I cant accept this assignment."! ” the students should be “ meditation like ” then, like as if wakening from a dream to stand up, red face quickly went out of the classroom;


This is our monitor.



My deskmate is a lively and cheerful girl, she has a pair of small eyes and a small mouth, often a pair of smart in fact, she is called Liu Tianqing.


My deskmate Liu Tianqing and I sat down from the third grade to the fifth grade, but she always beat me or scolded me, but also said when she was good to me: once Liu Tianqing had a birthday, she invited me to her birthday party, but I did not refuse, until that day her mother was very warm to us, ordered many delicious food, but I had a big meal, and once Liu Tianqing was in the middle I want to take me to kick shuttlecock at noon. I said I cant kick shuttlecock. She said: its OK to kick shuttlecock casually. Just playing at noon is like I can kick shuttlecock. Its my deskmate that makes me able to kick shuttlecock, which makes me love to kick shuttlecock.


This is my deskmate


六年级这一年,大概是我最悲哀的一年了吧,因为同桌。 老师在班级里做了一次“乾坤大挪移”,实行“好坏分配制”,顾名思义,就是好学生跟成绩有些不好的学生坐在一起,帮助成绩有困难的同学学习。就这样,我跟煤柄炉(绰号)坐在了一起。煤柄炉很会吵闹,而且经常做出一些搞笑的恶作剧,我们都不喜欢和他在一起,迫于老师的威力,我们只好“委曲求全”,旁边的同学也想方设法“欺负”他。就这样,我又浑浑噩噩度过的半学期。 后来,老师又安排了座位,我和一个美名曰“皮带”的的男生又坐在了一起。那段日子,总算还是平静。皮带满好欺负的,什么修正带,本子啊,只要我没有,同桌有的,我就不用再买了,直接用同桌的。前后左右的男生女生也效仿,什么东西都用“皮带”的。 终于,小学毕业了。脱离了“一男一女”的同桌分配制!毕业晚会上,我回忆了有关同桌的种种往事,真是有些想哭,而又有些想笑。 (二) 总算到了初中,在军训期间,我就个大多数女生成了好朋友。 正式开学时,我依然很关心自己的同桌是谁。我奶茶的关系不错,分座位时,我们在心中默默祈祷着,能分到一起做同桌。可是,毕竟“天不遂人愿”,我和奶茶没有成为同桌。 和我同桌的是程丽君。我承认,刚开始我的确不是特别喜欢她,后来发现她也是一个不错的女孩。程丽君不是特别漂亮,脸上有小雀斑,一点一点的。我们并不了解。 “小迪迪,红笔借我一下下。”同桌又在嚷嚷了,自己有红笔还向我借。“小迪迪”这个称呼,一开始我很反感,后来在同桌的逼迫下,终于“欣然”接受了。小君(对同桌的“爱称”)是住校生,学习也不错,性格还好,我们相处的还算融洽。 只是小君时不时借我东西,明明自己有,偏偏喜欢我的。有时候小君挺搞笑的。 我们前面坐着“西施”(某男生),“西施这个名字来历很奇怪,因为这个男生一天念叨着“西西西西。”被我和同桌听见了,笑眯眯的说:“思念西西啊!那你就叫西施好了!”于是,可怜的男生有了“西施”这个绰号,拜我和同桌所赐。 同桌的英语很好。 一单元的英语,她能一次性背完,听得我们组长目瞪耳呆,老半天回不过神来,终于,我发出一声感叹“还是人吗?背书那么快干吗啊!”刚说完,我的脑袋长了一个包包,被敲的…… …… (三) 同桌,已经串成了一串美丽的故事。 有笑,有泪,有友谊。 这是关于同桌的故事。 补记:这是受小君所托,答应了别人的事情就要做到,于是写了一篇作文不像作文,废话不像废话的东西。本来是没什么可写的,想不到关于同桌的回忆原来有那么多。



The new semester began, and the teacher redistributed the table, and my deskmate became him. He is a boy, thin, taller than me, like two grapes eyes round and round eyes on a pair of long triangle like eyebrows, like a fox. The way he got angry was frightening!


I remember once, one of my classmates passed his position, accidentally touched his elbow, he would have stamp with rage, be angry and fierce, immediately “ &rdquo a whoosh; rose from his position, shouted: “ why do you want to hit me! My elbow hurts all over you. ” the classmates quickly apologized: sorry, sorry, “ I didnt mean it, next time I make a detour. &rdquo, this calmed down a storm, and if the student hadnt apologized, there would have been a good show. They must have hit. I remember all the time he had been angry. His eyes were wide, like two ping-pong balls! That pair of eyebrows above the eye is more like a fox, still two hands fork waist?! Look at this posture, just want to fight like, who saw him all afraid. I still remember the way he looked. I was still a little scared!


But if hes not angry, hes pretty nice, too. I have been sitting at the same table with him for many days. He did not lose his temper. The face will also reveal some smile, and will show two small dimples, but it is pretty cute. I hope he is not in a tantrum. Between classmates should have been in harmony, and everyone and the gas, how good!


Chen Mo is my desk mate who is a good student in the eyes of classmates and teachers. She is the first one to get to school every day. Usually, she spends half an hour in learning English that takes us much to remember vocabularies and read the articles. Moreover, she not only focuses on her own study, but also helps other students in need. Classmates like asking her for help, because she is always ready for help. However, I prefer to regard her as my friend rather than desk mate. We communicate with each other frequently after class. We discuss our study as well as share our lives. She is desperately interested in playing badminton, so do I. We would play badminton very Friday after class, which helps us relax ourselves as well build our body. It’s so great to have a desk mate that has interest in common.



When I was in the fourth grade, I changed a new deskmate. His name is Liu Jinming.


He is a chubby little boy with big eyes and small mouth. He is very cute. Hes very smart, especially in math, and hes very engaged in class.


I remember once when I was in class, I asked Liu Jinming a question. But when Liu Jinming saw the teacher writing on the blackboard, he couldnt hear my question at all. My deskmate is really engaged!


I like my deskmate very much and he is very kind!


Jenny is my desk-mate. She is a hard-working girl. When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. Now she is chairman of the Student union in our school. She gives us the impression that her ability to express her ideas is excellent.

In spare time, she likes to carry a book .with her and writes down what she sees and hears. Shes such a lovely girl that I enjoy talking with her to share her ideas.


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