Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “On Education of China” In the essay, you should (1 describe the pictures (2 interpret their meaning (3 give your opinion about the phenomenon .You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points
The two pictures look so similar at one glance, but they are totally different. In the first picture, a peasant boy, carrying a heavy bundle of rice straw is out of breath under the great pressure. His hope is to have a school to attend. In the second picture, a student is on his way home from school, a heavy bag of books on his back. What he wishes is that he didn’t have to go to school any more. How can the two boys at the same age have such different ideas about attending school?
The two pictures show some problems in the present education system in China. In the poor countryside, especially in some western parts of China, the education is also poor. There are no buildings for classrooms, let alone good teachers. Children there cannot have regular education. They are sometimes forced to leave their studies because their families cannot afford the necessary fees. However, the situation is totally different in the cities. Almost all the children in the cities can have regular education. They can enjoy the bright classrooms and adequate facilities. But they have their own problems. What they face is the endless homework, which puts so much pressure on them that some students don’t want to continue their studies.
Given the problems above, our government has taken some measures. “The Hope Project” has been in operation to ensure that children in the poor areas can achieve education. Some strategies have also been put into force to reduce the pressure on the students. Teachers are asked not to give too much homework. Emphasis should be put on the improvement of the quality of the students. However, there is a long way to go in the improvement of our education conditions. The whole society should be mobilized to make some contributions to our education.
Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “On the Relationship between Environment and Economy” In the essay, you should (1 describe the pictures and interpret their meaning (2 give your opinion with some proof (3 give your conclusion.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points
[参考范文]On the Relationship between Environment and Economy
The two pictures above are both about the relationship between the environment and the economic development. In the first picture, GDP is on the rise while the environment is drastically polluted. In the second picture, economic efficiency progresses with environmental protection. It’s easy to get the conclusion that development according to the second picture is more reasonable than that in the first one.
In the early development of socialism, our country didn’t pay much attention to the issue of environmental protection and savored the bitterness. Now, the government has taken many measures and is implementing the strategy of “sustainable development”. One aspect of the strategy is to develop the economy and take measures to protect the environment at the same time. In this way, we can develop our country in a sustainable manner and our offspring can have enough resources to develop society. If we don’t put much emphasis on the environment issue and excavate the natural resources blindly, our country will become a barren land sooner or later.
In a word, sustainable development is a reasonable strategy which should be implemented for a long time. The nature is providing us with plentiful resources generously, but it may punish us severely if we don’t care her.
阿尔道夫。门采尔是世界著名的素描大师,他从13岁开始学绘画。一生共创作了一万五千多幅速写,七千多张素描。这些数量惊人的作品,都是他辛勤 劳动的结晶,他不管走到哪里,绘画工具总是随身带着,在大街小巷,乡村田野,河畔山顶,处处可以看到挥笔作画的身影。有人称他得了“缓画狂热症”,他听了很高兴地说:“希望此病是绝症。”
他幼年为僧,寺院附近种值有一万多株芭蕉,每日摘采蕉叶练字。蕉叶用完了就用浅色漆盘和方木板练字,写满字迹后,擦掉再练。久而久之,竟把漆盘 和木板磨穿了。寺院的墙壁上,家具上,连僧人做袈裟的布上都写满了字。他每日勤奋刻苦练字,用秃了许多毛笔,堆集起来埋在山下,名曰“笔冢”。
下面,我们对文中所引三个事例进行解读。上文提到,这三个事例在文中的出现,是为了让读者更清楚地认识到“怎么做叫有骨气”。当然,这三个事例并非如我们通常理解的那样,和“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”这三句话一一对应,尽管这样理解可以给人一种秩序感和整齐美。 第一个事例中,文天祥的行为可以全部体现“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”的精神,正如作者所说“孟子说的几句话,在文天祥身上都表现出来了”,并非如徐、朱两位老师认为的那样只能体现“威武不能屈”。第一,文天祥虽然那时任何富贵也没有,但他只要投靠元朝,就可以很容易地得到,然后去放纵、去享受。富贵对常人的诱惑是难以克制的,但文天祥心志不乱,高贵的灵魂没有屈从此种唾手可得的诱惑,他克制住了自己。这种做法不正是“富与贵,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处也”的最好诠释吗?他这种刚强不屈的人格不正是有骨气的体现吗?此可谓“富贵不能淫”。第二,文天祥被抓,关在一个阴湿的地牢里,是个一无所有的“阶下囚”,但他没有改变自己为了民族利益而抗击元朝入侵的正义行为,这又体现了“贫与贱,是人之所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也”的精神境界。此可谓“贫贱不能移”。第三,文天祥在北京,野蛮的元人用暴力折磨他,然而此威势武力也没有使他屈服。此可谓“威武不能屈”。
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