

首页话题更新时间:2023-03-20 19:05:37




我虽然贪玩,但更爱读书和学习。 我有许多书,其中《蚊子和狮子》,《中国少年儿童百科全书》是我最爱不释手的。《蚊子和狮子》告诉我:遇事别紧张,害怕;只要多动脑筋,沉着些,勇敢些,什么都能迎韧而解。《中国少儿百科全书》告诉我:叮人的蚊子是雌蚊子,会发光的萤火虫是雄萤火虫,它启发人们发明了日光灯,节约了许多电呢。总之书里的知识太丰富了,还需要我多探索。




November **, ****

To Whom It May Concern:

This is to confirm that Mr. Li Dashui has worked as a full-time system analyst in the NY University since Jun 1994(or This letter is to verify that Mr. Li Dashui worked as an chemist from July 1993 to Sept. 1994. Mr. Lis main duties and responsibilities are as follows:

Design, develop and install various computer hardware, software and network systems for banks.

Determine and analyze the requirements of each system project into related componets solved through the application of computer technology.

Write specifications for computer programs, and test and implement programs for network systems and control systems.

Supervise computer programmers and other system analysts for paticular system projects.

Mr. Li has mainly taken part in the following projects:

The first engineering design of city general business computer network system.

Upgrading banks system for IBM AS/400 E45 to IBM AS/400 320, IBM AS/400 530.

The design development and test of city general business computer network system.

The design and development network and database systems for the Golden Credit Card Project.

Mr. Li is well experienced with IBM AS/400 system analysis, TCP/IP protocol, SNA protocol and LAN; proficient in RPGIII, VB, C/C++ and DB2, and skilled in UNIX, Informix, Client/Server etc.

Mr. Li is a hard-working and talented analyst, and is highly respected member in our company. If you need further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely yours, Singature, Zhang Jianguo

Senior Engineer and Technical Manage Company Name, Address, Tex Fax


I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study.

In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot.

I love my mother.


My mother

My mother is very kind and beautiful although she is not tall.She is 42 years old this year.She is a nurse,so she is always very busy day and night.But she loves her job,and she often takes care of her patients.Of course,she also likes singing,dancing,cooking and shopping,but she almost no time to do them.

Oh,I love my mother.






我是一个品德优良的孩子,我最大的特点就是有爱心。记得在刚刚过去的这个寒假,我和爸爸、妈妈还有大姨去姥姥家。到了那里,我把手中的东西放下就去了院子里,眼前的一幕使我惊呆了:一只小猫的一条后腿没了,当时我很想收留它。于是我就问姥姥:“姥姥你能不能收留这只可怜的小猫呢?”姥姥摇了摇头。 “求求你了姥姥,它真的太可怜了。”我用哭似的语气说,姥姥终于答应了。我飞快的把小猫抱到屋里给它喂食,并给它取了一个名字叫“叮当”。



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