

首页话题更新时间:2023-03-27 08:59:17















我先来说说让我印象最深刻的校外教学吧!那真是一次拥有美好的旅行啊!我最大的收获是:克服了“恐惧”!在游乐场,老师一下令解散,同学由一窝蜂变成鸟兽散,拼命的往前冲;但我们这组却像“刘姥姥逛大观园”一样,看着手中“珍贵”的地图,小心翼翼的走啊走,逛啊逛,就怕迷路了!好笑的是,我们这几个 “刘姥姥”的方向感也真差,真的好几次迷路了!不过,“塞翁失马,焉知非福”,我们因祸得福,享受了一次次迷路的惊险感觉,还玩了非常刺激的“火山历险 记”和“海盗船”等等的'游乐设施!“火山历险记”最刺激了!从高四层楼的水道笔直的俯冲下来,吓得我心惊肉跳!但是,换个角度想,这不也是一个特别的经验吗?克服了恐惧,让这次旅行的意义对我来说又更加深了!


眼看着又快到凤凰花开的时候了,也快到六年级的学长学姐毕业的时候了。毕业后,他们即将迈入人生的另一个阶段,也即将迎接更多的挑战!人生有许多次的旅行, 这一次的“旅行”,意义非常重大。我祝福学长学姐们,在人生的漫长旅行中,更加成长、茁壮,也祝福他们在旅途中一帆风顺;让自己的生命得以升华,得以灿烂,得以更加响亮!加油喔!学长学姐们!珍重!再见!


There is a big table in it. The table is pink and brown. There is a yellow story book on the table. Look! There is a green trash bin under the table. Where is the teddy bear? Oh! It’s on the bed. The teddy bear is cute. My bed is so big. It’s pink and blue. There is a picture on the wall. There is a mat on the floor. In front of the mat, there is a closet. The closet is beautiful. Over the closet, there is an air- conditioner.

I like my room. It’s the most beautiful room.


I have my own room now. It is not big. There is a small blue bed in it. Because I love plants, I grow some sun flowers on the desk. Every time I am tired of

doing homework, I will watch it. Then I will be relax and full of energy. Except for this, my room has a bookshelf. There are many books on it. There is a

lovely rabbit clock on the bed to wake me up every morning. I finally have my own place. I love it very much.


My room is not very big,but it is very comfortable.There is a picture on the wall.My computer is on the desk.There are lots of beautiful clothes in my wardrobe.On the left of my room,there is a piano and a guitar.The floor is brown.This is my room.


We all have our homes, some homes may be larger, probably smaller, and some at home, some of the possible ugly, probably prettier. My family is no exception Oh! Here, let me introduce yourself! My home, although small, very small, but my family is very nice, at first glance, neat, people look very comfortable.

Come into my house, first appeared in front of you is the living room, the living room is the center of a can pull shrink, brown table, at the table, three chairs, are Mom and Dad and my chair, and that in the southwest corner of a table, that is my position. In the living room wall, there is a very old painting, the painting is a bird on a branch of the scene. Left to go from the living room, is one of our room, where we usually watch TV, play computer ...... room northwest, is one of our computer, I find information tool. N the south, there is a TV, free when you can take a look at the news. Next to the TV is my homework place, where there is a multi—functional desk, you can put down a lot of books and stationery.

Go inside this room is our bedroom, with a bed, it was my mother just a place to sleep near the bed, there are a bed, it was my dad a place to sleep, the walls in the bedroom , he has painted a picture of my childhood, very beautiful. This is my home, you must feel it nice!


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