Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “After Graduation” In the essay, you should (1describe the picture (2interpret its meaning (3give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET2. (20 points
Graduation is an important event for all of us. It is the divide between school and a full-time working life. After graduation, we are no longer students protected by parents and teachers, but a member of the real society. Let’s look at the picture first. A graduate is told by his teacher, “You must depend on yourself during your life journey after graduation…” He finds that some former graduates fly high into the sky while some experience a drastic fall.
The picture tells us a principle. Graduation is not the end of your education, but the beginning of your real journey. At school, we may find we are no different from our classmates. However, there will be a great gap between us after graduation. Some may try their best to improve themselves and become the mainstay of our ear era? While some are indulged in creature comforts and give up their initial ideals.
Therefore, we should remember that graduation is the beginning of our real life journey. If you want to be a person useful to society, you should make all efforts to learn as much as possible from others and improve yourself. In this way, you may fly high in the sky.
我从这则新闻中发现,不当的好奇心常会使自己受害,女童就是因为好奇心驱使,才会想把手放在封口机上试一试,结果却使自己遭到截肢的命运。有很多意外的发 生,不少就是因为当事人好奇心造成的,像我就是一个例子。有一次在大卖场,我看到一个我不曾见过的哑铃,结果我就很好奇的把它拿起来把玩,一个不小心,哑铃打到了我的手指,我的指甲整片掉落下来,我痛得哇哇大哭,也把爸妈吓得惊慌失措。
人对新奇事物感到好奇,这是人之常情,但是若在不该好奇的地方好奇,就可能发生无法预知的意外。像是碎裂掉的玻璃,有的人可能好奇,便伸手去摸,就被割伤 了。但如果把好奇心用在对的地方,例如在时,遇到问题,因着好奇,怀抱着"打破砂锅问到底"的'精神,这种求学态度便是值得学习的。
Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “On the Relationship between Environment and Economy” In the essay, you should (1 describe the pictures and interpret their meaning (2 give your opinion with some proof (3 give your conclusion.You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points
[参考范文]On the Relationship between Environment and Economy
The two pictures above are both about the relationship between the environment and the economic development. In the first picture, GDP is on the rise while the environment is drastically polluted. In the second picture, economic efficiency progresses with environmental protection. It’s easy to get the conclusion that development according to the second picture is more reasonable than that in the first one.
In the early development of socialism, our country didn’t pay much attention to the issue of environmental protection and savored the bitterness. Now, the government has taken many measures and is implementing the strategy of “sustainable development”. One aspect of the strategy is to develop the economy and take measures to protect the environment at the same time. In this way, we can develop our country in a sustainable manner and our offspring can have enough resources to develop society. If we don’t put much emphasis on the environment issue and excavate the natural resources blindly, our country will become a barren land sooner or later.
In a word, sustainable development is a reasonable strategy which should be implemented for a long time. The nature is providing us with plentiful resources generously, but it may punish us severely if we don’t care her.
老革命家董必武喜欢书法,在繁忙的工作之余,勤于练字。他晚年的时候到户外活动总是拿着一根手杖。走累了,坐下来休息的时候,就以手杖当笔,在 地上练习写字,如果坐得高,干脆把手杖像握笔一样提着,在空中写划。
Study the two pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “On Education of China” In the essay, you should (1 describe the pictures (2 interpret their meaning (3 give your opinion about the phenomenon .You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points
The two pictures look so similar at one glance, but they are totally different. In the first picture, a peasant boy, carrying a heavy bundle of rice straw is out of breath under the great pressure. His hope is to have a school to attend. In the second picture, a student is on his way home from school, a heavy bag of books on his back. What he wishes is that he didn’t have to go to school any more. How can the two boys at the same age have such different ideas about attending school?
The two pictures show some problems in the present education system in China. In the poor countryside, especially in some western parts of China, the education is also poor. There are no buildings for classrooms, let alone good teachers. Children there cannot have regular education. They are sometimes forced to leave their studies because their families cannot afford the necessary fees. However, the situation is totally different in the cities. Almost all the children in the cities can have regular education. They can enjoy the bright classrooms and adequate facilities. But they have their own problems. What they face is the endless homework, which puts so much pressure on them that some students don’t want to continue their studies.
Given the problems above, our government has taken some measures. “The Hope Project” has been in operation to ensure that children in the poor areas can achieve education. Some strategies have also been put into force to reduce the pressure on the students. Teachers are asked not to give too much homework. Emphasis should be put on the improvement of the quality of the students. However, there is a long way to go in the improvement of our education conditions. The whole society should be mobilized to make some contributions to our education.
游泳是大家都喜欢一个运动,特别是潜水,可是你们知道吗?一旦溺水有多危险!溺水会导致呼吸停止,大量的水会侵入人的肺部,就有生命危险,真可怕啊! 今天,老师给我看了一个关于防溺水的里面有一个小男孩要去海边游泳,在游泳时,救生圈突然漏气了,浪花把小男孩推到了远处,因太远,岸边的人没能听到小男孩的呼叫声,所以小男孩才会溺水生亡。
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