learn to care for others作文(takecareforothers英语作文80字)

learn to care for others作文(takecareforothers英语作文80字)

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learn to care for others作文(takecareforothers英语作文80字)

learn to care for others作文【一】

I valued my time in the No.1 middle school very much,because I know there is no endless banquet in the world.Before appling for xiao yu zhong,wondering whether it is the sixth sense, there was a prediction that I would leave my mother school,so I valued the left time which I have spent with my teachers and classmates.Perhaps some students and teachers didn’t understand why I was still so hardworking since I have been recruited by ShanDong university,Ididn’t have a very mature reply at that time.Now I can make a summary:After all,I have been in the science class for two and a half years.Not only was I interested in the subjects but also I have formed good privity with my teachers;Futher,many people take part in the National Entrance Examination in order to go to college,including me,but before the second term of senior three,I have known I have been admitted,to tell you the truth,I can’t accept it right now,so there was a time when I adjusted to it.

During my presence in the school,I was xiao san hao student in a row,and I obtained Li Zhen De bonus for two years.I got the second prize in the maths competition held by Shan Dong Province,After I was admitted ahead of time, I got a prize in the English speaking competition in jinan held by CCTV.

Besides my efforts,above all,I owe my scores to my teachers.It is teachers who passed knowdege to me,without them,I can’t have such scores,here,Ishall say sincerely,toilful are teachers!

In the study life in the future,I will develop my advantages and get over my shortcomings,making me more excellent,I can say full of confidence,I am pround of yizhong and yizhong is pround of me!

June sixth,2006

learn to care for others作文【二】



learn to care for others作文【三】


I am writing this letter just want to say thanks to you. I am going to graduate in two weeks. You have been my class adviser for three years. During these three years you have spent lots of energy on us. You are not only teaching knowledge in the class, but also care our life. Sometimes we are afraid of you, because of your strict requirement for our study. However, you are so helpful in the daily life. No matter what difficulties we are in, you will help if you can. So, I also want to say sorry to you for making so much trouble. But you bear all my trouble. I don’t know what kind of class adviser I will meet in the future study, but I will remember and appreciate you forever. I want to say thank you again.





learn to care for others作文【四】

仔细想来,恐怖更强调视听效果的冲击性,而惊悚更注重氛围的营造以及心理恐惧的滋长与蔓延。相较于前者赤一裸裸的直观震撼和对感官刺激的强力挑 战,后者润物细无声般的渗透所给予观众的吸引力是更致命的诱一惑——可能没有尖一叫,甚至沉默安静的连一根针掉下来都听得很清脆,却能在让人倒吸一口冷气,心 跳骤然加速,身体不由自主猛然向后靠;可能没有可怕或令人作呕的画面,甚至空白或漆黑一片,却能使人如身临其境般与剧中人物一起左顾右盼、胆颤心惊,后背 直冒冷汗,大气却不敢出,不敢掉以轻心。

不能让人感受到恐惧点的恐怖是失败的恐怖,没有营造心理恐惧的恐怖是低层级的恐怖,而惊悚则是恐怖的升级版,是需要充沛想象力和敏锐感知力的 高层级的恐怖。然而,若惊悚是影片唯一的卖点,而没有具体背景与完整剧情的支撑,只是为吓人而刻意为之,那么也不能算是上乘的惊悚片。于是,添加悬疑元素 便成了丰富影片内涵最有效的手段,甚至有时悬疑的成分超过了惊悚,却使悬疑与惊悚之间形成了微妙的相辅相成的关系。《小岛惊魂》便是这样一个例子,尽管惊 悚点完全没有想象中的多,叙事风格也偏平淡缓慢,浓重的悬疑色彩仍使其精彩绝伦,令人欲罢不能,回味绵长,令人唏嘘感慨。

影片在观众的疑惑中推进情节发展,观众又随着故事的推进不断发掘新线索、新疑点,不断修正、否定甚至推翻先前的一切猜测,如此循环下去直到真 相大白的那一刻,若能得到“啊,原来如此”的感叹,便是一部成功的悬疑片。在看《小岛惊魂》的一个半小时中,我曾冒出许许多多有关事实真相可能性的猜测, 比如Ann有妄想症、人格分裂症,三个仆人要赶走Grace一家霸占房子,房子受了巫师的诅咒,被禁锢的鬼魂闹事是恶作剧或是向人类报复等等,但始终无法 通然解释,总有疑问盘旋在脑海中挥之不去。当结尾突然揭晓答案,再冷静下来仔细回想,到豆瓣上看大家的理解和补充,疑问一个个迎刃而解,这才发觉,之前竟 然有如此之多的铺垫,原来那些匪夷所思的规定和疾病、阴霾灰暗的背景色调、人物间不知所谓的对话等等种种细节都是别有深意,一切都在为真相提一供合理而完美 的注解。不禁感叹,即便在看片时不停运转脑筋,却还是不够仔细,洞察力不够,线索的联系能力和解读能力不够,以至于忽略了那么多tip,误读了那么多 trick。

然而,最出乎我意料的却是,在这个真相的'背后隐藏着一个心酸的故事,蕴含一着一个普通家庭对战争的控诉。当一个人对生仍有留恋,死得痛苦,死得 怨恨,死得不甘,死得冤枉,那么是否会真的如电一影中的Grace一家那样,逃避自己已死的现实,宁愿相信只是做了一场噩梦?Grace爱她的两个孩子,毋 庸置疑,她说“I will die  first.”的时候是如此真心实意,那又是什么迫使她狠心亲手***死孩子?是丈夫阵亡的噩耗对她的打击太大,导致精神崩溃,失去常性,还是为了避免孩子落 入纳粹手中遭受凌一辱,又不愿向纳粹屈服,这才痛下***手?无论哪种,都令人感到压抑与悲伤。在Grace一家最需要的时候,他们所信奉的耶稣和圣母没有解救 他们,当他们死去,灵魂没有到达所谓的天堂、地狱或是往生。生前的幸福生活因为战争而彻底摧毁,死后不但延续着生时的痛苦,还要与活人分享同一个生活空 间,生前没有被鬼吓倒,死后倒是要适应被活人吓,哪来的解脱?抑或是痛苦无处不在,无时不在,陽界与阴界根本没有宗教中所宣扬的区别。

此片的画面与音响处理得相当简洁干净,诸位演员的出色表现更为此片的成功增加了不少的砝码。妮可·基德曼饰演的女主人Grace,是个傲慢严 肃的独一裁者,她对儿女和丈夫倾注了所有的爱,承受了所有的压力,在家中发生怪诞事件时所表现出的神经质和高度紧张的精神状态令人印象深刻。但比起妮可·基 德曼,倔强聪明的女儿Ann、胆小乖一巧的Nicolas、神秘的女管家Miller夫人和恍惚虚弱的男主人Charles也毫不逊色,正是这一系列鲜活生 动的人物和表演使得影片愈加引人入胜。

b一tw,还是回到影片情节,虽然许多疑问得到了圆满的解释,但还是有令人无法透彻的地方。但凡电一影有涉及到超自然的灵异事件和空间的描绘,考 验的是编导自圆其说的本事,但凡电一影中不明确给出解释的疑问,考验的就是观众自圆其说的本事。关于丈夫Charles的出现,在豆瓣上就能看到许多争论, 互不能说服对方,唯一肯定的是,出现在Grace他们面前的不是活生生的人,而是魂。依我所见,从他的身体情况可以看出他在失去意识前是处于受了伤、十分 虚弱的状态,因而无论说他植物人、昏迷或是已经战死都是有可能的。找回去的路是因为想念家人,不同的是,如果未死便是灵魂出窍,心愿达成自然要回魂,已死 便是游魂,是Grace令他意识到战场也就是葬身之地才是灵魂的归宿。至于妻子***死孩子再自一***令他无法原谅妻子,也可以看作他离开的原因之一,但肯定的是 他已经接受了所有的关于自己和家人的事实,而不是刚出现时“不知道自己身在何处”了。说到底,就凭Miller夫人说的“书上写的未必都是真的”,观众就 不必拘泥于以前看过的任何一部无论中外的书或影视作品,大可发挥自己的想象力,想怎么解释就怎么解释,能自圆其说就行,因为根本就没有所谓的正确答案。

learn to care for others作文【五】

I love travelling. When I was young, my parents always took me to other places to visit, such as Beijing, Zhuhai and Guilin. But as I grow up, there s such a heavy study-pressure that I can hardly afford time and energy to travel. Fortunately, I can travel to a lot of far-away attractions in the fantastic world of books and TV. Recently I have learnt about Rio De Janeiro from books. I feel excited and want very much to travel there.

Rio De Janeiro lies along the coast of Atlantic Ocean. It s Brazil s second largest city. Firstly, I love the climate in Rio De Janeiro. Sea climate is comfortable and it never gets too dry or too wet. Secondly, I love the beautiful beaches. I always form a picture in my mind of being at the seaside. I imagine myself walking on the beach. The sunshine is mild in the late afternoon and I feel the soft wind moving across my face. I can see the sun moving slowly below the sea level, just like a hot, red ball falling into the water. Some seagulls are flying above the sea and others rest themselves on ship-boards. I take off my shoes. Soft sand flows through my toes. Little waves sometimes run towards me and wet my trousers, just like naughty children. I enjoy this feast for both my body and spirit. Now I know that the beauty of nature is the greatest beauty in the world.

Alone, I m just walking, walking and walking


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