

首页大全更新时间:2023-11-30 14:49:26



世界上已有很多的动物已经灭绝于我们人类之手,旅鸽就是其中之一:终年无忧无虑的生活在北美大陆上,每到迁徙的季节,它们成千上万遮天蔽日。当欧洲人刚踏上北美大陆时,这里有50多亿只旅鸽。可是欧洲人来到这里之后,由于旅鸽肉味鲜美,开始遭到他们大规模的围猎。从此,旅鸽也就一步步走向了灭绝。当时鸽肉在市场上轻易买到,密执安州一个季节里就捕获了750万只旅鸽。曾经,一个俱乐部一周就***了5万只旅鸽,有人一天便***了500只。他们把这些罪恶一一记录下来——那是他们比赛的成绩。甚至有人想出这样的方法——把一只旅鸽的眼睛缝上,绑在树枝上,张开罗网。它的同伴们闻讯赶来,于是一一落网。有时候,一次就能捉到上千只。这个方法一定传播得很广 。就这样,在不到100年的时间里,旅鸽从几十亿猛减到濒临灭绝。

旅鸽: 1900年野生灭绝;1914年在美国华盛顿国家博物馆的展厅里,有一只旅鸽站在一根树枝上,长长的嘴,尖尖的尾巴,展翅欲飞。但它永远告别了蓝天自云。它再也不能动,不能叫,不能吃东西了。这是世界上最后一只旅鸽,而且是一只标本。那双木然的眼睛,怅望着这个世纪的人们,是怎样的捕***它的同类,是怎么剥它的皮抽它的筋剜它的肉的。





How to prevent the H7N9?

As is well known,the A flu is spreading throught our country. However, if we negnect it, the deadly H7N9 may cause more infectors,or even more deaths. So what is the most important is that we should take some effective measures to prevent it.They can be listed as follows.

Firstly,it is necessary for you to realize the Avian flu can be prevented if you develop good living habits. For example,you shouldn’t forget to wash your hands before meals.Besides,don’t spit everywhere and try to cover your mouth or nose with paper or hankerchiefs when you have to cough or sneeze.What’s more, remember to wear the mouth-cover if you have to go to the public places, such as the crowded cinemas,supermarkets, buses,where the A flu may spread easily.

Secondly,of course, taking exercise more often and taking good sleep to build your body are wise choices for you to reduce the risk of being infected.

Last but not the least, if you are unlucky to be infected with the slight flu cold, try to stay at home,and take some medicine. Do pay attention to your daily body temperature. If you have a high fever, go to the hospital without delay for further treatment. Make sure you are not expected to come back to school before the cold or flu is cured.

Only by doing like this can you prevent or defeat the A flu in the end.


to prevent H7N9 we should know some common sense. First of all, it is important for us to prevent H7N9 from ourselves. For example, clean our hands frequently.

Sencondly, do more exercises. Such as running. Lastly, change our diet to keep balence. For example, eat more types of vegetables and drink more water


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