

首页大全更新时间:2022-03-11 15:35:12


Animals are friends of human beings. Most of them are lovely. I like giraffe the most. They are very tall and have many brown spots.

They have very long necks, so that they can eat the leaves in high trees. Giraffes are gentle and lovely. They are friendly to people.

When I go to the zoo, I always look at them. They move slowly. I can’t keep it as a pet, because it’s so huge. It’s a big pity.


《草莓》在细雨中草莓享受着雨水的滋润,草莓的颜色是火红色,但没熟透的是青绿色。冬天草莓在一个大棚里生长,那里的温度没有外面那样寒冷,适合草莓生长。而在春天,草莓在露天生长。草莓长在土地上,叶子不怎么高,从茎中伸出一条条小枝,小枝的尽头长着草莓。我最喜欢吃刚熟了的草莓,那酸甜可口的感觉令人回味。 爸爸买了一些草莓,我高兴极了!一到家,我就迫不及待的把草莓洗干净,放在了盘子里。 我拿了一个草莓仔细地观察起来,它的形状是心形的,摸上去软软的还散发出一股诱人的甜味。鲜红的身子上长满了绿籽,每个绿籽上都有一根刺,在它的顶部长着七八片碧绿的叶子,鲜红的草莓配上碧绿的叶子,真是可爱极了!咬一口甜滋滋里带点儿酸,好吃极了! 听说,把草莓放进冰箱里冰一下,营养价值就是原来的5倍呢!这么好吃的草莓还含有维生素c、d等。草莓又叫红莓、洋莓、地莓等,是一种红色的水果。草莓是对蔷薇科草莓属植物的通称,属多年生草本植物。草莓的外观呈心形,鲜美红嫩,果肉多汁,含有特殊的浓郁水果芳香。草莓营养价值高,含丰富维生素C,有帮助消化的功效,与此同时,草莓还可以巩固齿龈,清新口气,润泽喉部草莓是蔷薇科植物草莓的花托,其真正的果实是花托表面那些细小的颗粒,属多年生草本植物,花白色。原产南美、欧洲等地,现在我国各地都有草莓栽培,也有野生的。每年夏季6~7月间果实成熟时采摘,鲜用。 草莓中含有天冬氨酸,可以自然平和的清除体内的重金属离子。草莓色泽鲜艳,果实柔软多汁,香味浓郁,甜酸适口,营养丰富,深受国内外消费者的喜爱。它属于高档水果。 这么香甜可口的草莓谁见了都会垂涎欲滴的!












There are a lot of my favorite small animals, swallows, puppies, rabbits, squirrels... Of which, the number I like most is the cat, talking about the kitten and my family, so I'll tell about the story of my cat and my cat.

The cat's fur is soft, slippery, and beautiful pattern on the head, so I gave it a name flower flower beard, once I took the razor to shave flower dad. Mother said: the flower mustache can not be shaved, because in a very dark place, she can gently tap the beard, to measure the width of the road. Wow, it turns out that its beard has such a big effect! I said.

Huahua is very clean. It URLs and URLs and goes to the toilet. There are lots of cinders in a bedpan. Every time it pulls out, it uses coal cinder to bury the toilet.

Huahua is a good friend of mine. Every time I have snacks, I want to share it with you. When I wear socks, it will rub on my feet. I will share the sun with them and talk quietly with them.

This is my favorite little animal - flower flower.


On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time. Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So, I asked my parents to took me there and they promised to. We got there at 9 o'clock. There were many people.

Most of them were parents and children. We first went to see the animal. I like parrots most. And then we saw the animal shows. Elephants, tigers, lions and monkeys did wonderful shows for us. People were happy, especially the children. After that, we went to experienced the entertainment facilities.

My mum was too scared to be with us. So, only my dad and I played. It was so exciting, but I was a little dizzy. However, I was very happy. It was a great day.


I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure.

But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.


My favorite animal is the dog. Dogs are the most loyal animals to people.

My family also has a dog, its name is lu lu, is a male dog. It was a shish dog, covered with long, golden hair and felt soft and comfortable. It had big black eyes and a twinkle in the evening. There's also a lovely flat black nose that is always wet, so it likes to lick its nose. There was a cute little braid tied to the head, and a red bow tied to the braid.

It has been with me since I was a baby. I remember one time I made a mistake and my mother was going to hit me. Lulu saw it, and ran quickly, Shouting at her mother, trying to protect me, and her mother gave up.

My dog has a skill that other dogs don't, and whenever I play the harmonica, it will sing in rhythm, in a deep, sometimes high-pitched way. I think it's going to be a concert of its own! Do you mean my dog is tough?

So, I like dogs very much.







我家种了几盆草莓。草莓的叶子是深绿色的,形状有的圆形的,有的是椭圆形的。 草莓茎有的是红色的,也有的是深绿色的,茎的上面还长满了小绒毛,摸起来有的`痒痒的。茎的顶端一般长有三片叶子,三片叶子依偎在一起,像三个好姐妹似的,风一吹,她们好像在风中跳舞,好像在风里嬉戏,又好像在说:“春天来了,春天来了草莓的花是一朵一朵的,没有一簇一簇的。现在有的草莓花含苞欲放,有的刚刚绽开,还有的全部怒放了。 花是白色的,像雪一样洁白。花瓣有五瓣的、六瓣的。刚绽开的花,花蕊是淡黄色的,慢慢地变成嫩绿色。花长到一定的时候,花瓣会慢慢的凋谢,这时可看到黄绿色的小果子,小果子渐渐的长大变红,成为可口的草莓。


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