Life has its ups and downs, and only true friends always stay around. Like anyone else, I have got many friends. They often help me when I’m in trouble. Especially, when I fail in an examination, they always care for me and encourage me to study harder. Last year, when I was hurt in a basketball game, my friends took me to the nearby hospital at once and look after me by turns. In my eyes, friends are the most precious wealth that one should treasure all his life.
First, the major knowledge occupies the most important role. As a student, learning knowledge is their job, while many students focus on playing cellphone in the class, or just sleep. They lose interest in studying when they come to the free environment. Mastering the professional skill helps them to be competitive. The sad thing is that most of them can't realize it.
Second, as there is much free time, they can make use of it and gain the valuable experience. Students can join some clubs to develop more interest, or find part-time jobs. It is better than to stay in the dorm and play computer games all the time.
A lot of students feel lost in the campus, because they don't plan campus life well. The things you learn will make you different in the future.
The Role of Mobile Phone in People's Communication
The popularity of smartphones has exerted great influence on the way people communicate, so much so that an increasing number of individuals contend that face-to-face communication is being replaced by texts and images on the mobile phone.
There are more than one angle to consider this phenomenon. On one hand, it is pleasantly acknowledged that smartphones shorten the distance between families and friends. Even people from different sides of the globe can share pictures, feelings and thoughts through various types of apps on the phone, thus building a long-distance connection. On the other hand, as the picture warns us, too much smartphone addiction interferes with people's real-life communication. Statistics show that over 70 percent of face-to-face communication consists of facial expressions and body language, which is why people should stay away from mobile phones when they have the chance to actually talk and communicate with others.
In a word, mobile phones act as an appropriate platform where people can always stay in tough however long the distance is, but a wise man should know when to put down his phone.
一个好的主题句是文章成功的一半。不仅文章有主题,段落有纲,句也必有中心。文章失却主题,就会不知所云;落无纲,则一盘散沙,句缺中心,就无意义。所以,在立足于篇章时,一定要首先明确文的主题;在发展段落时,也要首先写好主题句。从PETS三的特点来考虑,主题句最好是置于文首或段首,这样让人一目了然! 以下就是两个实用的开门见山式发展主题句的方法。
●To begin with, we must attach the greatest importance possible to this issue/fact (key word.
●As is well known to all, it is now high time that we took this (topic word into serious consideration.
鲁迅先生在回答文学青年“如何才能写出好文章”的问题时强调了两点:一是多看,二是多练。这里的`“多看”即指多观察。这就说明:要写好文章,要掌握 娴熟的文章写作手法,就要多观察,学会观察,观察是写作的必要前提和基础。 俄国小说家契诃夫就这样谆谆告诫初学者:“作家务必要把自己锻炼成一个目光敏锐永不罢休的观察家!——要把自己锻炼到观察简直成习惯,仿佛变成第二个天 性。”把观察锻炼成习惯,锻炼成第二天性,这是一种很需要时间去磨练的功夫,是很有作用,很了不起的功夫。 要留心观察身边的人、事、景、物,从中猎取你作文时所需要的材料:你要对一些看似不大实则很有意义的事情产生兴趣,注意观察起因、过程和结果;你要留意校 园花坛里的植物一年四季如何变化它的颜色,学会刨根问底,弄清这些变化的来龙去脉;你要走向社会,同更多的人接触,观察他们的一言一行,要思索一些东西, 随时将它们汇入自己思想的长河。这就是观察的过程,观察过程中要注意以下几点:
(三)观察尤其要注意持之以恒。别犯“脑热病”,三分钟的热度对与写好作文是没有益处的,你要将观察生活、思索生活贯穿于你生活的每一天,这样你才 会写出妙文佳作来。 学会观察对于写好作文有着巨大的奠基和推动作用,离开了观察,你往往会感到难以下笔。愿你学会观察,不断培养,提高赞成的观察能力,在写作实践中取得得大 的进步。
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