my last weekend英语作文简单5句(mylast weekend英语作文五句话)

my last weekend英语作文简单5句(mylast weekend英语作文五句话)

首页大全更新时间:2023-01-27 15:38:22
my last weekend英语作文简单5句(mylast weekend英语作文五句话)

my last weekend英语作文简单5句【一】


例1:We moved to the country so that the children would have a garden in which they could play in.


改为:We moved to the country so that the children would have a garden in which to play.

或者:We moved to the country so that the children would have a garden to play in.

例2:He felt miserable unless he had neighbors (whomhe could quarrel with.


改为:He felt miserable unless he had neighbors with whom to quarrel.

或者:He felt miserable unless he had neighbors to quarrel with.

例3: The conference which will be held this afternoon is bound to be a great success. 计划在今天下午举行的会议一定会取得成功。

改为:The conference which to be held this afternoon is bound to be a great success.

或者:The conference to be held this afternoon is bound to be a great success.

例4:At a ceremony in Honolulu on Dec. 29, Postmaster General John E. Potter gave a preview of the Lunar New Year Commemorative Stamps Souvenir Sheet, the grand finale of the Lunar Year stamp series, which will be available in 2005.


改为:At a ceremony in Honolulu on Dec. 29, Postmaster General John E. Potter gave a preview of the Lunar New Year Commemorative Stamps Souvenir Sheet, the grand finale of the Lunar Year stamp series, to be available in 2005.

my last weekend英语作文简单5句【二】


influences我们通常都和positive / negative 搭配;advertisements也可以分为commercials和non-profit adverts;people可以用the general public替代,所以句子如下:

Commercials and non-profit adverts have both positive and negative influences on the general public.



Community service is helpful for both students and society.


Establishing community service as a compulsory part in high school education is not only helpful for students but also meaningful for whole society.

my last weekend英语作文简单5句【三】

Most female consumers shop unwisely.

my last weekend英语作文简单5句【四】


例1:I bought this comic book hot off the press. 我买了这本刚刚出版的漫画书。

例2:She is a kind lady, ready to help others. 她是一个善良的女人, 总是帮助别人。

例3:Companies large and small the world over have been developing their own “corporate universities”. 全世界大大小小的公司都一直在办自己的“公司大学”。


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