企鹅住在南极 考拉住在澳洲..
企鹅等着考拉 考拉到了南极
然后 考拉病了
企鹅很着急 去找来了村子里的德鲁伊
德鲁伊说 考拉生病是因为没有桉树
企鹅想了想 拿了一颗桉树种子走了..
企鹅把桉树种下 守着昏迷不醒的考拉 守着桉树长大考拉就会醒的梦想
可是桉树在南极不能生长 企鹅看着越来越虚弱的考拉 很着急
德鲁伊说 大海的另一边 住着一个大德鲁伊 他能操控天气的变化 让桉树生长起来
企鹅回到家里 把考拉交给德鲁伊照顾 然后背起行囊 一个人去找大德鲁伊..
大海很辽阔 企鹅守着心中的梦想 终于到了大海的另一边
炎热的天气下 企鹅病了 把心中的梦想告诉大德鲁以后 就永远的闭上了眼睛
他站在企鹅种下桉树的地方 看着那颗依然沉睡的种子 知道考拉等不到种子长大..
他把种子重新埋下 埋在企鹅的旁边
接着 他逆转了自然 将企鹅转生成了一颗挺拔的桉树
考拉来到企鹅变成的桉树边 桉树周围被永远恒定了充足的阳光和适宜的温度
考拉爬到桉树上 紧紧抱着..
许多年以后 人类来到了南极 看到了一个奇观
在冰天雪地的南极 有一颗枯死的桉树
在桉树的枝干上 牢牢地挂着那只陷入永眠的考拉
Up a slightly-left-of-center masterpiece. The emotional impact of the beautiful, wordless summation of Carls life that opens the movie the bass note that resonates through the whole film and at least as affecting as the scene in Wall-E when he holds h own hands while watching Hello Dolly. The rest of the movie, of course, breathtaking on just about every level, especially the tactile quality of all the characters and textures and the completely realized weather effects and action scenes. With no "new" technical milestones (fur in Monsters, Inc., water in Finding Nemo, realtic camera effects in Wall- E, the design the main focus, from the hilariously stylized characters to the amazing setting of the tepui.
I know----thats a interesting trip!
The free day ,I want to go to Los Angeles.Because this is the second largest city in America! And the sun always seems to shine in LA!I need some suggestions. Firstly I want to join the 2 hours walking tour.because it is a so great chance .Secondly I will go shopping in Glendale Galleria. Finlly I want to citadel outlets and South coast plaza.
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