

首页大全更新时间:2024-12-28 23:03:25


The sky is blue, the sea is very blue, the sky and sea looking liketogether, there is a small island in the sea in the distance, near the sea a few fishing boats, the scenery is very charming, my mother and I arebarefoot in the golden beach, waves of joy to the shore, I high lift feet onthe waves, the waves had no feet very comfortable, and I surf to playloud screaming, running towards the shore.

There are many kinds of sea shells on the beach, some like a small fan,some like horns, some like a pagoda, there's like a hat, these shells arein different poses and with different expressions. There are many smallcrabs under the rocks of the shore, they quickly into the sand,disappeared in the twinkling of an eye. There is a small crab hiding in the shell, mom told me to call the hermit crab. My mother taught me to catch crabs, I was afraid of, then can also be quickly caught, see small crabsswim really happy in my bucket, I will bring them home, so every day tosee them.

The beach is really very interesting, I really want to leave it.


有一天,我和爸爸妈妈去海边玩。我们去的山海天海边,那里是个旅游村,停车场里停着一排排旅游车;还有一辆辆刚开来的;旅游的人真多好热闹呀!还有好多卖小饰品、海产品、衣服、鞋子的。 我们边走边看。妈妈看见有卖铁板鱿鱼的,给我买了一个哇!真香!海边卖的东西都很贵,我边走边吃一会到了沙滩,金黄的沙子、蓝蓝的天空、还有一眼望不到边的大海。我赶紧脱了鞋子踩在软软的 沙滩上,好舒服呀!我太高兴了!


周末的时候,姥姥和妈妈看天气不错,决定一起带我到海边玩,海边真好啊,我一下子就全身心的投入了,一直玩到中午我还不想回家,我和姥姥一起抓了一条小鱼,妈妈给我抓了2只小螃蟹,我开心极了, 走的时候,妈妈说我的小嘴撅的可以挂水壶了,呵呵,再见了小螃蟹,下次我还来啊,你也回家吧。


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