Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus. It is about thirty miles from the city. We planned to put up in a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.
As soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. How great the sight is! We felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. There are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magnificent cliffs, one above another. We climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. As the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.
Before daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. Unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. Suddenly thin ravs of red hue spread across the sky. As the redness deepened, some mysterious clouds moved across thc sky, dividing heaven from the earth. Just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. Up, up it rose, adding to itself strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.
We were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. We jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays of the sun with the peak till it was time for our return.
我不愿穿行在喧闹的霓虹灯闪烁的纸醉金迷的繁华都市,喜欢一个人漫步在小河边。在寂静的夜里对着淡淡的月儿发呆,冲着闪闪的星星眨眼,听着河里荡漾着的柔波的声音,任习习的清风荏苒在脸上,手上,衣上。河岸上错落有致地站着几株垂杨柳,静静的影子,在水里摇拽着,那柔细的枝条浴着月光,如一支支美人的臂膀,交互地缠着,挽着……这清艳的夜景再加以月的纯净,柔软与平和,定会使人回忆起许多自己认为已经忘记却一直铭记着的往事。 想着想着,我便会微笑着泪流满面,而泪里满是感动和幸福。我不愿意相信,但我知道美好的东西的确经不起挥霍。比如青春。
我的密友常说,美好的东西总是转眼即逝,像刹那间流星的划过,像不经意间昙花的一现,出现的时候的确美不胜收,扣人心弦,但也只是瞬间的绚烂,比如青春……我只能说, 该知足了, 遗憾也是美丽的,正因为如此,青春才显得越发弥足珍贵……
Last Saturday,with all my classmates and teachers,I went on a trip to the nature park .We departed from school at about half past seven and spent about 40 minutes travelling to our destination.When we first entered into the park,all of us were shocked by the natural beauty and the hamonized ecosystem of the park.Then,happily we were playing games on the sand; swimming in the pool and taking with our friends on the grassplot.After lunch break,our programs were continued with an contest of story narating held and each of us was immerging within the funny stories We left the part at about 5 o'clock,and unitl now,most of us are still haunted by the beautiful memory of that trip.
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