

首页大全更新时间:2024-09-29 11:27:32


It ______ ______ ______ the train will be late.

答案:is likely that

2. It is likely that the typhoon will sweep across the island.

The typhoon ______ ______ ______ ______ across the island.

答案:is likely to sweep

3. I think trying to stop the couple quarrelling will be of no use.

I think it's ______ ______ ______ to stop the couple quarrelling.

答案:no use trying

4. Every time I was in trouble, he had no hesitation in helping me.

Every time I was in trouble, he came to help me ______ ______.

答案:without hesitation

5. He never hesitates to help if I have any problem.

He always helps me ______ ______ if I have any problem.

答案:without hesitation

6. I crossed the street so as not to meet him, but he saw me and came running towards me.

I crossed the street to ______ ______ him, but he saw me and came running towards me.

答案:avoid seeing

7. It seems that the students in that class have all passed the qualified exam.

All of the students in that class ______ ______ ______ ______ the qualified exam.

答案:seem to have passed

8. It seems that the boys of the class are playing football on the playground.

The boys of the class ______ ______ ______ ______ football on the playground.

答案:seem to be playing






Perhaps everybody will think: Why, why are the English levels of Li XinYing and Liao ShaoTing so superb ? Let me tell you: Liao ShaoTing and I have entered the continuation class , were taught by the British teacher and American teacher, However, nature of the tuition fee but also" the price is high". But this continuation class is very interesting, make the English levels of Liao ShaoTing and I very terrible. Friends, do you want to have so very superb an English levels of Liao ShaoTing and me too? Let's enter the English continuation class that the foreigner taught!

In addition, I want to talk to everybody: Liao splendid graceful Japanese with a girl who calls Cai YiFei, I have studied one point . But can not only any,it can't say not write. Have certainly entered the continuation class too! It was Japanese teachers that taught. If you want to have a try of, can enter the continuation class . Oh, I say and make nonsense and know everybody support the articles of I at so much saying another word! Hey, will not say more , so as not to take up more Web site space and has not written out any good composition . Friends, learn the languages of various countries well , have very great uses to you accurately!


□黎 戈




隋唐时流行纨扇,又称团扇,早唐时盛行腰圆纨扇,中晚唐为满月式样,纨扇近于现代的绢扇,以竹木为骨,承风面大,手感轻盈,它的使用者转向深闺。“轻罗小扇扑流萤”,隋唐女子都是腴美人,如果是骨重身宽的羽扇,用来扑蝶扑流萤,动作的\'幅度太大,就失了娇羞劲儿。   宋元后期开始使用的折扇,轻便,价廉,易携带,袖藏即可。市民图耐用,多用油纸扇,文艺青年大多使用素纸扇,图它可以挥毫泼墨,题诗作画。








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