深蓝色的表带可能并不是特别好看,但对于我来说是很有必要的。因为如果我带着靓丽的浅色手表,那么它最终的下场就是变成脏兮兮的一种因原来的颜色而定的奇怪的灰色;红色的圆形表盘除去不谈——从表盘到表带的末尾,一只 “沙丁鱼”纹在上面。鱼头栩栩如生,更像是直接复制粘贴过来的.照片,而原本普通的表盘有了它就变得极为别致——可能对于有些人来说叫惊悚比较贴切。鱼头位于表盘,鱼尾则位于表带末尾,沿着表带连接鱼头鱼尾的,是造型奇特的白色的鱼骨头!而这块表的分针和时针竟是一组刀叉。其寓意很明显——某人用刀叉享用了这条沙丁鱼,最后还优雅地用秒针牙签剔了剔牙。
The Role of Mobile Phone in People's Communication
The popularity of smartphones has exerted great influence on the way people communicate, so much so that an increasing number of individuals contend that face-to-face communication is being replaced by texts and images on the mobile phone.
There are more than one angle to consider this phenomenon. On one hand, it is pleasantly acknowledged that smartphones shorten the distance between families and friends. Even people from different sides of the globe can share pictures, feelings and thoughts through various types of apps on the phone, thus building a long-distance connection. On the other hand, as the picture warns us, too much smartphone addiction interferes with people's real-life communication. Statistics show that over 70 percent of face-to-face communication consists of facial expressions and body language, which is why people should stay away from mobile phones when they have the chance to actually talk and communicate with others.
In a word, mobile phones act as an appropriate platform where people can always stay in tough however long the distance is, but a wise man should know when to put down his phone.
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