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三年前的《猩球崛起》、两年前的《少年派》、一年前的《无人区》,我都是在看完后马上就用到了课堂上分析和讨论,学生们也很喜欢这种方式。我认为这三部电影的共同点在于,都围绕着一个主题:人性,或人的本质(human nature)。这些电影,看上在讲老虎猴子的故事,其实是在借事说事,以动物影射人,实际讲的是人性,还原的是“我”的发现和成长史。





My mother took me to see the American sci-fi movie "transformers 3", which is so popular all over the world. The whole movie, the theme is clear, the characteristic of the flight, osprey strengthen become wings, tomahawk, or promote the military strength, coupled with optimus prime has been repeated "freedom is the right of all creature with perception" is also the best embodiment of American spirit, countless times to defeat after winning the first scene again pushing personal heroism to the front desk. Last Chicago buildings war, with the iron body of cybertron decepticons, galloping commandos, whizzing tomahawk cruise missiles and the roar of explosions, resonant magnificent sights, brought an immersive feeling. Overall, the film is well received in addition to Chinese advertising.

Change 3 begins with the first Apollo moon landing program from the United States, Michael bay will be filming a documentary of pieces with real crisscross, instantly brought people to "Star Wars" Sue the era of the space race. Then, is to tell the story of the hero Sam, then, when it comes to the heroine, from her career development, to the love story, there are the pictures on the wall in the company, highlight the "beauty" of her, and to the back of the war of Chicago, reflects her brave, in combined with the other in a supporting role, such as two small robot funny, especially the runner, funny. It feels like this is not just a cliffhanger, a war, and a sense of humor.

The film's opening is the conspiracy theory about the moon, and conspiracy theories after all of these lead to the theme of the film, and betrayal, Sam and his new girlfriend emotional development, car of the relationship between human and human, coupled with the car and the decepticons internal relations, the three lines in parallel, the seeds for the last war.

Place in Chicago last war, the war is the beginning of a massacre, the spread of the decepticons to the city of Chicago into a hell, the bundles of the laser flash across, citizens or go away, or beheaded, or dead bodies, high-rise commercial street with former decepticon ship, then become a death, as Sam fearlessness, successfully fooled the autobots acoustic transformers arrived, the most wonderful street which to open prelusive, 3 d effect once again marvel at the special quality of the production in Hollywood, as happened in his own eyes. The robot's precise expression and dazzling movement, as well as the effects of various laser artillery and building debris, make people immerse. Buildings that play is the most wonderful, with the whole building was sheared, Sam and his girlfriend and the commandos jump out conveniently, skillfully shows special effects, especially in the special forces flight garment body more, looking down with pats shows the power of the United States. The most comfortable, when optimus prime left the aircraft axe knife plus right back, way, especially in the last act "Fang La" wu song, single arm type of heroism, highlights the grand atmosphere of the generation of leader of the autobots. Finally, with the beautiful melody and the full-length close-up of optimus prime, the film ends.


大象公园,快乐的天堂[王培瀚] 今天万里晴空,我怀着期待的心情,迈进了大象公园的大门,望着眼前这个崭新的世界,我的步子停不住,几乎是跑着进了公园,想把自己早些融入这个欢乐的世界。 公园里不仅有千姿百态的大象雕塑,还有许多大型的娱乐设施,其中我最喜欢的,就是太空飞人了。待工作人员给我系上安全绳以后,我轻轻一跃,感觉真爽!我的脚底好象装了弹簧,一蹦儿就有一米多高,这下我可乐了,使劲一蹬,只听见耳边“嗖”地一声,我转眼就飞上了最高峰,领略了高高在上的风景,又感受飞翔的感觉,眺望下方,妈妈在为我叫好,这给我增添了无数勇气,我将身子掉转,向下俯冲,眼看就要撞上了,我吓出了一身冷汗… “砰!”我一头栽进了橡皮气垫,顿时感到头昏眼花,一旁的群众却笑岔了气,哼!不是把我当笑柄吗? 接下来,我又玩了过山车和海盗船,以及划艇等设施。这一天,我收获了许多欢笑。 夕阳西下,我们乘着载满欢乐的列车,塔上了归途。


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