今天早晨,我起床以后,妈妈就问我:“今天又是端午节了,你还要不要吃蛇肉啊?”“当然要吃!”我响亮地回答。“那我们现在就去菜市场买蛇肉去。”“好呀!快走吧!”于是,我就跟着妈妈去菜市场了。 来到菜市场,我们没有看到蛇肉。于是,妈妈就带我在里面走了一圈。好不容易我们才找到了一处卖蛇肉的地方。摊主问:“你们是不是买蛇肉啊?”我抢在妈妈前说:“是的!”那个人就让我们自己挑选。我看到那几条蛇在笼子里面游来游去。它们还不时把头抬起。我不禁有些心惊肉跳了。妈妈却不怕,指着一条中等大小的蛇说:“就要这一条!”“好!” 说着卖蛇的人捉起那条蛇。他用手捏住蛇的'头,用脚踩住蛇的尾,再用空着的手拿了一把刀,灵活地把蛇头给宰了下来,然后立刻把蛇皮剥去。接着,他拿刀把雪白略带粉红色的蛇身切成一段一段的放在一只塑料袋里。妈妈付了钱,接过装着蛇肉的袋子就和我一起回家去了。
Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in big cities. They shout at us from the television screen and radio loudspeakers, wave to us from every page of the newspaper, signal to us from the roadside billboards all day and flash messages to us in colored lights all night.
Faced with a flood of advertisement, some people wonder whether it is necessary to have such huge sums spent on advertising. They often cite in illustration of it the attractive, but false and deceptive advertisements to which many consumers fall victim. Why don't we stop advertising and use the money to reduce the price of goods? It sounds like a good idea, but they fail to notice the contribution advertising makes to our society. Because the production of a better product to compete for customers' money is the goal of advertisers, customers are thus given a chance to compare their products and get the best and cheapest one. Besides, as the advertisement can provide people with a lot of immediate and detailed information as to the availability of a certain product, or a service or a job, it makes life much more convenient. And another thing we mustn't forget: the fact that we pay so little for our daily newspapers and TV programs is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers.
Advertising performs such a useful service to our society that we can't imagine what would happen if there were no advertisements. (198 words
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