

首页大全更新时间:2023-12-29 14:25:00







Everyone has a familiar place in his life, such as parks, supermarkets, and their own rooms. Of all, my most familiar is my room.

The door is west, and there are two windows on both sides of the door. They are "North Window" and "south window". Opposite the doorway is a small balcony, there is a small wardrobe in the balcony, with my clothes when I was a child. My bed is toward the south window, the bed is neatly placed with pillows and quilts. My computer desk faces the North window. There is a regular computer on the computer desk. As soon as I got into the room, I saw my favorite, the computer, and an eye light. Northeast corner is an unusual desk. There are many books on the table. There are dictionaries, books borrowed in the library, encyclopedia books bought by ourselves, and snacks: egg rolls, candy, and my favorite large bottle of coke. The southeastern corner is my wardrobe, with school uniforms, clothes, socks and underpants in the wardrobe. Also with bed sheets, quilt towel. There was an almost useless old TV on the cupboard. There is a DVD player on the TV. In the southwest, it's a big wardrobe for mom and dad. Beside the wardrobe, it was a dresser. I had a photo of my childhood on the platform. It was very lovely.

This is my room, is it beautiful? You are welcome to visit my colorful room.




突然我耳边传来:“加油、加油、加油····”的声音。我好奇地走去看一看,原来是一场激烈的陀螺大赛即将诞生了 ,我问了一下,是六二班和五二班的对战,“嘭、嘭、嘭····”不时传来陀螺对抗的声音,渐渐地六二班的陀螺“体力”不支了,败下阵来,“这陀螺怎么这么差劲。”那个陀螺的'主人说。“好、好、好···”随着就是他们班同学的欢呼声,我也不禁鼓起掌来,但是六年级的同学不服气,还要来一把,这回他请了他们班的陀螺王拿出了最强的陀螺,是裂变的,他那个陀螺值215元呢!战斗开始了,这裂变陀螺果然名不虚传,持久非常厉害,“嘭”的一声,原来是那两个陀螺开始了激烈的厮***,“一定要赢”那个陀螺王一脸坚定的说。你来我往的撞来撞去,那个裂变陀螺的裂变环发作,立马裂变成了两个陀螺,开始双面夹击五年级的陀螺,“哎哟,这下五年级的陀螺可完了。”大家都说。五年级的陀螺不能以一顶俩,败下阵来。大家都说:“恩,真不愧是裂变陀螺呀!”他们准备又来一把,但是“叮铃铃····”随着一阵清脆的铃声,上课了,正看得入迷的我,不禁觉得很可惜,都怪这讨厌的铃声打断了这激烈的一幕。



My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts.

My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health.

My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways.

My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up smoking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day.

Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.


Everyone, there is a room for their own, I am no exception. My room has walls, windows, bed, pillow, and desk, bookcase and. Of course, there's a baby - like the Pearl River Piano, finish the homework every day, I will sit on the stool practice half an hour.

There's a secret in my room that you can't guess. Guess what, what is it? As a matter of fact, my room has two floors, and there is a push door beside the bookcase. Open the door, wow, and staircase, and go up to the platform. This is my little pet - Rabbit white. I have a sunny place, mine mother planted flowers, green onion, Dad cactus.

Sometimes, I wish my room had wings, so that it could fly to the sky, look at the white clouds, feel the white clouds, and try the taste of white clouds, like cotton candy.

I also hope that everything in my room is made of food. Your homework is hungry, you can chew on the desk; like sugar, you can lick the wall; hungry you sleep at night, can you just bite the pillow to chew in any case what does not matter, because all of the food.

Of course, I hope that my room long wheel, so that I can open a house car, ran to the river Yachun home to a good friend. She will be surprised. But I just smiled: "Hey, don't tell you how I dragged my room to your home."

But from dream, back to reality, my most favorite room, or my room, an ordinary little girl's room. At noon, after dinner, I will take a quiet lunch break in my room; in the afternoon, after school, I will do my homework in front of the desk. Father and mother often come to my room to help me with my homework. In the evening, I lie in my little bed and go to sleep. In the morning, a ray of sunshine comes into my room and sprinkles on my cozy little bed.



首先扮演老鹰的是李文雅,扮演鸡妈妈的是顾绣玉,我们就扮演备受保护的'小鸡了。游戏开始了,慈爱的鸡妈妈总是想方设法地保护着自己的“孩子”—小鸡们。老鹰捉了半天,虽然累得满头大汗,但都没捉到一只小鸡。她眉头一皱,心生一计。(她突然向左飞奔,鸡妈妈也连忙朝左阻拦,没想到“老鹰”忽然调转头向右扑来,哈哈,这招还真灵! 一只小鸡终于成了她的掌下之囚。

接着,她又用这个办法抓住了两只小鸡。可一个办法用了两次也就不灵了。于是,“老鹰”改变策略,她慢慢地在那左摇右晃,趁鸡妈妈懈怠时,突然从鸡妈妈的胳膊下“飞”了过去,来了个海底捞月,轻巧地就捉住了一只小鸡, 老鹰高兴得蹦呀,跳呀,正在这时,上课铃声响起,我们只好意犹未尽地离开了操场。



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