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教室里充满着欢乐的笑声,大家愉快的聊天,我也像机关枪一样和朋友总有聊不玩的话、说不玩的八卦,一点也不想离开那无压力又无烦恼的快乐时光中。可是 只要一回到家里,那种开心的感觉会像风一样消失不见,留下的只有孤单,虽然也有家人陪伴,但总少了些什么……


第一次走进陌生的校园中,让我感到很害怕,对于一个完全不熟悉的环境,还有一群不认识的同学,紧张的心情让我的身体有点发抖,我在心中大声的告诉自 己:“不要怕”,幸好同学们都很热情、也很好相处,逐渐的,我紧张的心情也不再这么令我不安,我觉得自己慢慢的做到了,变得勇敢一点了,虽然我无法完全克 服孤单和寂寞带给我的恐惧,但我相信如果我克服了,世界会变得不一样。




有一次和母亲赴宴,同桌的阿姨异常亲切:"十几了啊?几年级?这回考试考了多少分哟?"当我一一报来,又是喜笑颜开的模样:"六年级啊?我们家的也是六年级,考了八十多,没事,下次继续努力,我们家也就考了九十多而已……"妈 妈默然,只不动声色的转了话题:"这裙子真配你,在哪买的?……"而我却也不能表现出不悦,也只好僵僵的扯起一笑,接着又有人说:"长大了,就懂事了……"





Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as well.

It has pointy ears,round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean,they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals,they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.

We should love cat,because cats are our friends,too.

2.I love cats,they are very intelligent.They have a lot of colors,I like most is black cat,black cat 's eyes are yellow,and the cat's eye at night will flash.The cat is very clever,can climb trees,most cats are caught rats.They are not easy to get sick,is adapted to survive in the wild,so there are so many stray cats.They are very poor,we should help them.

3.I used to have a Persian cat at my house. It is long curly hair, green eyes or a blue one! The lovely little nose is always smelling, and still a pure breed! Don't mention how cute it is! He is one of my favorite Persian cats - gigi.

Kiki's temper is very small, generally very mild. For example, I came home from school every day, the first is to write the homework, Kiki would not bother me, squatting on the side of his curly hair comb. So after I had finished my homework, I will play and Kiki lying on my legs, I always playing with him not to mind taking the trouble.

Gigi is never choosy about food. Sometimes, I'll eat the rest of his give it to eat, will not care about it. Although it is not delicious, but it is very delicious but pretend to like, eating with relish; sometimes, I will go to buy cat food to eat it, Kiki happy tail swaying, as if to say: "little master! Little master, good!" I'm glad to see it.

How cute look after writing, you must love it! I'll introduce you some other time. I'll give you an open view!

4.I like a lot of animals, but my favorite animal is my cat.

This is a cat, the eyelash is very large, the eye is particularly large, a brown hair, a long beard is about.

Its character is very gentle, remember the very first time that I touch it, it meow to cry, I was shocked, however, it is not for me to attack, then I feel it a few times, it is a strength with his hair rub I kept licking my hands or face.

It and my relationship is very close, I remember when I was in school, the first Chinese lesson, the teacher asked me to say, so I call a sound, suddenly a cat ran in front of me, I know this is my kitten immediately. Originally, this kitten has been following me, I can not take care of the teacher and the schoolmate is how to look at me, hurriedly takes the kitten to hug in the bosom, kisses it, the teacher, schoolmates' sight not only is envies, also has the curiosity.

This is my favorite little animal. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I gave it a name - Emerald green.

Tracy, I like you. You're always a part of my life!

5.My cat I love animals, especially cats.

I raise a kitten, I called her Mimi, she was very cute. She has a little black nose, her mouth is very small, very short legs. Every time I got home, she always shaking her tail, I went to the fractious arms. When she feels hungry when she was a very loud call to our attention.

I love my Mimi


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