statue of the legislation in the city center onto a piece of pure gold. His eyes are two bright sapphires, there is a big ruby in his hand holds the hilt on sparkling. Can to help poor people, the Flying Swallow with the help of the pure gold and precious stones film gave people in need of help. Finally, the Flying Swallow has been frozen to death. The Happy Prince is also due to dilapidated and were removed. Later, someone asked The Happy Prince: Do you help others, they destroyed themselves, worth it? The Happy Prince without regret to say: As long as I have made to give others happiness, I have been happier. Is certainly worthwhile.
Yes ah, this is how a simple if it! Others happy, is his happiness. Our happiness based on other people"s happiness above. Britain"s Prince Fan Zhongyan ancients of China"s first and worry about all over the world, after everyone else to enjoy, the famous saying. Which is not that we are advocating the moral life it?
On the initiative of such thinking, in our lives appear as numerous as the Happy Prince, it is respected.
However, I can not do. I am afraid of hardship, fear of pay. In a school clean-up, I only taught me the work, it was unwilling to help the students complete the common task of tired and dirty. Normally, also pick and choose in the labor, the lack of the spirit to endure hardship. In learning too afraid repeatedly practicing the task view. Do not want to study in depth.
Today truly understand: I the usual so-called happiness and the Happy Prince"s happiness is essentially the difference.
3. 表现意境
参考答案: 秋日清晨的寒意,唤醒了因畅饮离情而酩酊的词人。渡口已不是昨日的渡口,情人的身影也早已不见。杨柳依旧是昨日的杨柳,只是少了被柳枝牵萦的裙裾。飘零的衰黄柳叶,带着如泪的清露,沾上词人的衣襟,也沾上词人的心魂。晓风微起,似纤纤玉手分开密密的柳烟,一弓残月映入词人的眼帘。那是离人苍白的面容和孤寂的眼?
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