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I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study.

In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot.

I love my mother.


Beijing time, in the early morning of August 5th, Sun Yang defend title successfully with the score of 14 points 41 seconds 15 in 2013 swimming world championships men's 1500 meter freestyle finals. This is the third gold medal in this tournament for Sun Yang as well as the fifth goal of China’s swimming, which is slower 10 second 13 than the result of the London Olympic Games when Sun Yang achieves the champion. Sun Yang uses the score of his fifth goal in his career life to tie with the medal record that Luo Xuejuan keeps in the Chinese swimmer World Championship. He also becomes the person after Hackett in the 2005 Montreal World Championships and a single tournament winning the gold medal of “the king of long distance " in men’s 400, 800 and 1500 meter freestyle.

北京时间8月5日凌晨,2013年游泳世锦赛男子1500米自由泳决赛,孙杨以14分41秒15的成绩赢得金牌成功卫冕,这是孙杨本届赛事第三枚金牌,也是中国泳军收获的第五金,这一成绩比伦敦奥运会夺冠时慢了10秒13。 孙杨也以生涯五枚金牌的成绩,追平罗雪娟保持的中国游泳选手世锦赛夺金纪录,并且成为继哈克特在2005年蒙特利尔世锦赛后,又一位单届赛事包揽男子400、800和1500米自由泳金牌的“中长距离之王”!


My favorite sports star------ Sun Yang

Born on December 1, 1991 in Zhejiang Province, Sun Yang is very tall and the height is 1.99 meters. He was from a sports family.

He won the China's first gold medal in men's swimming game. He worked a miracle. Sun Yang is not only gifted but also diligent. He keeps training and has tenacious willpower; these are worth learning by other people. Sun Yang is a new frontrunner at the sports worlds.

Sun Yang is very popular with the young. He is adorable, charming, childlike and cool. He is kind and has the vigor of youth, and he is a little shy. But Sun Yang is easy-going, always with a smile on his face when he faces our. He sings well and sounds beautiful. To my surprise, he likes dolls very much.

Sun Yang sets us a good example, and Sun Yang has set a new world record of swimming, of which the whole country’s people are proud


My favourite swimmer is Sun Yang.He swims very fast.He took part in the last Olympic Games.He is my hero.

He is 21 years oid.He is very tall.He is 198cm tall.He is cute.I love him.

He is good at swingming very much, He has had all-round success in his study olypic games.


My mother

My mother is very kind and beautiful although she is not tall.She is 42 years old this year.She is a nurse,so she is always very busy day and night.But she loves her job,and she often takes care of her patients.Of course,she also likes singing,dancing,cooking and shopping,but she almost no time to do them.

Oh,I love my mother.












如果来到阳泉,阳泉的几处风景名胜你可是非转不可。翠枫山位于山西省阳泉市市郊西南部,这里山势挺拔,翠绿苍劲,而生机力无限,溪水潺潺,水质优良,且蕴涵量丰富……。狮垴山,整个公园由山顶平台、北风垅、刀刃梁、将军垴四部分组成。狮垴山森林公园系以纪念参加百团大战的八路军英雄业绩为主要内容的纪念性森林公园,碑群周围和景观布置得庄严肃穆,其余大部分区域则利用自然地形分区设置,每区景观各具特色,中南部依势挖山建湖筑榭。各景区皆以古朴、典雅的园林建筑及小品点缀之。为纪念抗日战争胜利50周年,公园于1995年8月15日建成“百团大战纪念碑”。刘备山地处阳泉市中北部,主峰山势陡峭,气势雄伟,势如坐佛,巍然而立,俯瞰人间,十分壮观。刘备山主峰高达1272.6米,山脉面积近20平方公里,群山环绕,山上人文景观十分丰富。可以说阳泉处处花草遍地,绿树成阴。娘子关,原名苇泽关。在山西阳泉平定县城北45公里处,是长城著名关隘,出入山西的咽喉。藏山, 地处太行山西麓,山西阳泉盂县城北十八公里处; 因春秋时藏匿赵氏孤儿得名。境内峰峦叠嶂,古刹栉比;山间神祠祀赵家遗孤之位;中华忠义苑弘扬忠孝爱国之情;志士仁人视为圣洁忠义之地,千百年来留名篇佳作无数。山以史传,史以文传,汇中华儒家文化于此藏孤胜境,誉为晋东第一名山。冠山,因其主峰形状似冠,并高冠于附近群山而得名。山间古刹相连,有资福寺、祟古书院、文昌阁 (吕祖洞在其下及夫子洞,人称"冠山书院"。各个历史人文一样不缺。





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