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September 16

Dear Zhang Hong,

How is everything with you I hope things are going well.

There is not much news here.I just go to work every morning and come back to my apartment every night.Shanghai is crowded with people,but I don't really know any of them.I don't like the city,but my job is quite interesting,and the pay is quite good.

What are your plans for National Day If you don't have anything special,I hope you can visit Shanghai.Come and share my apartment.It is quite large and it is near the theatres,museums and stores.

Write soon,and say you can spend the holiday here.

Sincerely yours

Li Hua


When I read "when happiness knocks on the door", this film makes me feel how hard it is to have no money in the world. When Crete Gadens wife left, homeless, took his son to sleep in the toilet, he cried, he felt he was incompetent, helpless, even down to the toilet. He said to his son: "you are the best, to adhere to your dream, no matter who can not control your dream, that is, your father can not write." In him, I saw that he was in a very clean suit even though he was down and out. Because he knows, only professional, in order to attract more customers. He tried to make a phone call, not a phone. In order to make a phone call, not even drink water, so you dont have to go to the toilet. And at any time in the role of the younger brother, for the manager of tea, buy food for the manager. But even so, he is still very optimistic, because although his wife left him, but also his son, the son is the backbone, the son can live a good life, have a good education, being wronged, tired by the point and is what?

Finally pays off, he finally found a big customer, in order to get close to him, Crete Gaden accompanied the customers to watch the game, the game introduced a lot of customers in the customer for him, said: "the big customers in a short time, I wont let you control my money. But I appreciate you, so I am willing to make friends with you, after 100 days of hard work, Crete Gaden finally passed the examination, he won the first performance, he became the only one who was admitted to government securities company. When Crete Gaden entered the directors office, a securities company executives told him that you have become a formal securities agent, his heart very excited, tears in his eyes, in addition to the 3 top repeat saying thank you, he can not say a word. He thought that he and his son would never have to sleep in the toilet again, and no longer go to church workhouse, and he couldnt help but shed tears. It was tears of happiness. He thought of the future to give his son the best life, the best education, and he tears, gave a happy smile, he ran to his sons school, a Chinese opened for poor children studying in the school, hugged her son, thought: "son, Dad after you can get good life, have a good education!" By 2005, Crete Gaden had become a million dollar banker.

This is the "pursuit of happiness", their happiness will never knock on our door, we want to fight for their own, as long as the hard work, unremittingly, happiness will come knocking never yield in spite of reverses, our door.


After watching this movie, the heart can not be calm, it let me see the heros optimistic, strong, confident and never give up, but also understand the worlds apathy, helpless and uneasy. The cause of the failure, his wife abandoned, life distress and defeat Chris, on the contrary, the suffering experience made him become more self-confidence, he never give up faith, in trouble, finally it comes to firmly grasp their own happiness.

How could we not be so in our life? Life is a long journey, and no one on this journey is smooth sailing, and no one can predict what will happen on this journey But one thing we can believe is that when God closes a door for you, she opens a window for you.

This story reminds me of the scene thirteen years ago. Thirteen years ago, just graduated, I left home with longing and hope, came to the provincial capital of Jinan, then only in the pocket of my mother gave me one hundred yuan. After a lot of trouble, I found a job of selling commodities for a trading company. Every day carrying a packet of small streets, hard to imagine. The scene of the first customer rejection, the scene of being scolded by the customer for the first time, a man hiding in the corner crying...

Still fresh in memory. That experience made me realize that when were in trouble, letting go of our self will only make us worse, and we can get nothing except a little sympathy. On the contrary, this is the moment we make efforts, energy savings, firm belief, lock the target, hold on and never give up, you can in the happiness comes and firmly grasp her. No one has ever been alone. Recently, a colleague has passed his own effort to enter a financial institution in the city. In the eyes of everyone, he is a lucky man. But perhaps no one saw the hard work he did in the process. In this world, everything is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. When we envy other peoples luck, we may not see how much others pay in the process When were watching TV, when were having fun, when were chatting......

Perhaps others are studying business, perhaps is study of professional knowledge, perhaps is to fight to win or die......

We often see the success of others, but rarely see the hardships of others behind the success. One hundred people, one hundred people, different lifestyles, there are one hundred different interpretations of happiness, you choose what kind of life, what kind of action. So dont blindly envy others success, if you want to succeed, if you want to decide your own happiness, it starts from a little bit, starting from your nearest goal, adhere to! Insist! Insist again!

When one day happiness knocks at the door, you can catch her without hesitation, and then you will also become the lucky person in the eyes of others. In daily work, we should always remind ourselves, when happiness knocks at the door, are you really ready?


September 25

Dear Li Hua,

Thank you for your letter dated September 16.It wasn't until yesterday that I got it,as I had been out on business for a week.

In your letter,you told me that you preferred your job to the city of Shanghai.In my opinion,Shanghai is an exciting and a beautiful place.Try to enjoy yourself in your spare time besides your devotion to work.

I'm sorry to say that I won't go to Shanghai because our school will hold an open-air party.I have to stay for the performances on the holiday.By the way,would you please come and join us in the party Hangzhou is so beautiful in autumn that I'm sure you will like it.


Zhang Hong








If I ruled the world, I would do some changes that will make the world become better. I would publicize concept of peace, and try to reduce wars. I would also try my best to reduce taxation, help poor people with their producion and make business revive. I would change education too, because it is said that the fature of a country depends on children of the country. In a way, the future of the world depends on children of the world. So I think, the education is a very important factor to make the world become better. I would reduce class-time, reduce homeworks and build many appliances for play on the playground. I would make the schools become a kind of place that kids can be happy there, and like there. I would definitely be a good leader. If somebedy gave me honor to rule the whole world, I wouldnt let him(her down. I would do anything I can do to make the world become more beautiful, more peaceful and warmer.






民俗文化是我们中华灿烂文化的一个重要组成部分,是我们最可宝贵的文化遗产之一。如何用文学的形式来加以记录呢?沈从文先生笔下的《云南的歌会》就是一个典范,值得我们好好玩味、细细沉吟。 唱歌的好处是非常多的。我概括一下主要有,以歌显俗、以歌会友、以歌庆节、以歌示悦、以歌颂美、以歌养心,以歌传情。 要唱歌,特别是要唱出有自身特色的歌,一是要有地方特色的曲调;二是要有写歌词的氛围。云南是个“的家乡”,写出来的诗歌定然是趣味无穷的;三是要有唱歌的场所和氛围。云南的唱歌场所别开生面且极具浪漫主义色彩,非常富有本土特色,他们选在山野、山路、林寨,显得朴素、简约、自然。而我们这个地方唱歌多是在戏台、剧院或是在歌厅。云南唱歌的氛围是相当浓烈的。你看,有对歌、漫歌、传歌;参与歌会的有男女老少,连年过七旬,掉光牙齿的老人也在热情地唱着。 写文章要学会选材,要学会有侧重地表达。作者在“山路对歌”中抓住人物描写,写一个年轻妇女一连唱败三个对手,这种得胜的喜悦用了“理理发、拍拍绣花围裙上的灰土,向大家笑笑”来加以描写;那白白的糯米牙,那黑中透红的枣子脸,那特有的民族服饰,显得活力四射、风采斐然;在写“山路漫歌”时抓住了环境的特色,并详写了戴胜鸟和云雀的“呼朋唤侣”的“争鸣声”;写“林寨传歌”注重的是场面描写,如三十来桌轮流低唱时的声音,轻柔如松涛,舒卷张弛如龙吟凤哕。通过这三个场景,就把云南这一地方的歌会写得光彩照人,看了之后令人心都动了,恨不得马上乘车到云南体验一番。










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