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这些方面还不足以说明六年二班中队同学的优秀,在体育方面他们也是各有千秋。 赛场上,男同学们犹如潇洒的雄鹰,雄姿尽展,使班级获得了一次又一次的荣誉。女同学们也不甘示弱,一个个英姿飒爽,犹如蛟龙出海,尽显女儿的英雄本色。就是这样,使六年二班健儿辈出,在校举办的各项体育活动中,同学们个个都如猛虎下山,胸有成竹,胜券在握。




以”there”为前缀加上介词构成的词,如thereafter, thereby, therein, thereinafter, thereinbefore, thereon, thereof, thereunder, thereupon, therewith等,在文中具体指什么,需要读者依照合同的上下文来判断,因而理解起来比较复杂,请看下例:

This Agreement is written in the English language。 In case of any discrepancy between the English version and any translation thereof, the English text shall govern。 句中”the English version and any translation thereof”从上下文判断意为 “the English version and any translation of the English version”,即thereof一词代替of the English version。与以here开头的词如hereof的理解方法类似。


该词意为in that, in that particular

context, in that respect,“在那里”,“在那点上”,“在那方面”,表示上文已提及的“合同中的”“工程中的”。如:the contract or any part thereof意为the contract or any part of the contract,合同或合同的任何部分。


该词意为:to that,“随附”,“附之”,如:“Contract Products” means the products specified in Appendix 2 to this Contract, together with all improvements and modifications thereof or developments with respect thereto。 句中or developments with respect thereto 意为:or developments with respect to the developments。


该词意为:under that, “在其下”,“依照”,如:The Borrower fails to pay any amount payable thereunder as and when such amount shall become payable。 句中any amount payable thereunder意为any amount payable under the contract。



该词意为:considering that, “鉴于”,“就(而论”,常用于合同协议书的开头段落以引出合同双方订立合同的理由或依据。如:Whereas Party A desires to use the Patented Technology of Party B to manufacture and sell the Contract Products……鉴于甲方希望利用乙方的专利技术制造并销售合同产品。


该词意为:by the agreement, by the following terms and conditions,“凭此协议”,“凭此条款”,常用于合同协议书中以引出合同当事人应承担的主要合同义务。如:

A sales contract refers to a contract whereby the seller transfers the ownership of an object to the buyer and the buyer pays the price for the object。 句中a contract whereby the seller transfers……意为:a contract by which the seller transfers……



I have a great mother. She cares much about me in my life and study.

In the morning, she gets up early to make breakfast for me. When I was little, she prepared my schoolbag. But now, she tells me to do it by myself. Because she thinks I have been old enough to do it. Besides, she always checks my homework. When I finish my homework, she checks it and points out the mistakes. She is very careful and helps me a lot.

I love my mother.


Dear Admission Committee:

Miss Pan Bei requested a letter of recommendation from me to support her application for graduate program at your university. As her teacher, I am pleased to comply with her request.

I first got to know Miss Pan when she enrolled at university and I was the assistant director of her class at that time. Being a professor for several years, I noticed that due to the lack of self-learning ability, it is really challenging for students, even those performing excellent in senior school, to keep up with the college speed. However, as a diligent girl without any solid background in Computer Science before college, she adapted quickly to the especially competitive environment in our department. At the end of the first year, she earned the 5th rank in her class, while ranking 1st among the girls. I was fairly impressed by her self-learning technique and exceptional efforts. Hence, I believe, goal-oriented, not afraid of inchoateness and with persistence, she has the quality to make achievements.

What distinguished her among her classmates, I think, was that she went far beyond acquiring excellent scores in the exams and instead got her range of knowledge enlarged. In spring, 2006, Miss Pan took the course I taught named Algebraic Structures and Combinatorial Mathematics. This inquisitive and assiduous young woman was sometimes the last to leave after my class, raising novel questions related to the subject. I found that she understood the knowledge in depth and detail. Furthermore, I still remember during the spring vocation in May, due to the break-down of my mail box, I missed her mails to discussing some questions. But the following week during the course time, she asked me directly. Her zeal for knowledge and the spirit to explore answers really leave me a deep impression. Finally, she was among the few students who got almost full marks in every test in class which showed her exceeding grasp of every chapter. Thus, I gave her 98/100 for the excellent performance in my course.

In summary, I have every reason to believe that Miss. Pan will make outstanding performance at your university as a graduate. I would appreciate greatly if you give her a favorable consideration. Please feel free to contact me directly if more assistance is needed. Faithfully yours,

Wanling Qu, Professor

Department of Computer Science and technology Peking University

Email: qwku.edu.cn



该词意为by means of , by reason of this, by this agreement,“特此”,“因此”,“兹”,“在此”。此词常用作法律、经贸文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语,在合同条款中需特别强调时也可用,表示当事人借此合约,要宣示某种具有法律效力的“意思表示”,如保证、同意、放弃权利等,一般放于主语后,紧邻主语。如:The Company hereby covenants and warrants that…… 意为:By this agreement the Company covenants and warrants that……即:公司在此保证……再如:Both parties hereby agree that……意为:By this agreement both parties agree that……即:双方当事人在此同意……


该词意为:of this agreement,“关于此点”;“在本文件中”,表示上文已提及的“本合同的、本文件的……”,一般置于要修饰的名词的后面,与之紧邻。如:to take effect on the date hereof 意为:to take effect on the date of this agreement 即:于本合约之日期生效。再如:the headings of the sections hereof 意为:the headings of the sections of this agreement 即:本合约各条款之标题。


该词意为:to this agreement,“至此”,“在此”,表示上文已提及的“本合同的……本文件的……”,一般置于要修饰的`名词的后面,与之紧邻。如:both parties hereto 意为both parties to this agreement,即本合约之当事人双方;items specified in Attachment I and hereto 意为:items specified in Attachment I to this agreement 即:本合约之附件I所列之各项。


该词意为:in this agreement,“此中”,“于此”,表示上文已提及的“本合同(中)的……,本法(中)的……”等,一般置于所修饰词后,紧邻所修饰词。如:to file a suit in the court agreed to herein 意为:to file a suit in the court agreed to in this agreement 即:向当事人于本合约中同意管辖的法院提起诉讼;再如:to follow the terms and conditions herein 意为:to follow the terms and conditions in this agreement,即:遵守本合约所规定的条件。


该词意为:later in the same Contract,“以下”,“在下文”,一般与to be referred to as, referred to as, called 等词组连用,以避免重复。


该词意为:under this agreement,“在本合约内”、“依据本合约”。如:obligations hereunder,意为obligations under this agreement,即“本合约内的义务”。再如:rights granted hereunder,意为rights granted under this agreement,即“依本合约所赋予的权利”。


在六日晚北京二零零八残奥会开幕式上,被三百二十名聋哑姑娘用手语和肢体语言纯美演绎。从这一刻起的十二天时间里,北京残奥会将以生命的名义,与已经闭幕的北京奥运会共同创造出一届真正完整的奥运会。 国际残疾人奥林匹克运动的格言说:“精神寓于运动。”是的,在入场运动员那一张张快乐的脸上,我们看到了格外迷人的朝气蓬勃,看到了独立、自信、坚毅、乐观的高贵品格,看到了积极参与、珍视荣誉、追求超越的\'体育精神。那一刻,透过残疾人运动员灿烂的笑容,我们同时也正照耀着自己的心灵,照耀着自己的精、气、神。





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