

首页大全更新时间:2024-01-02 06:09:50



可是有一天...... 太阳透过树洞照在我身上,暖和极了.我跳下床,伸了伸懒腰.忽然,我觉得肚子好饿好饿.是呀,这几天大叔伯伯们都没有生病,我也找不到食物.怎么办?只好碰碰运气再出去找一下咯。我梳理了一下羽毛,准备起飞了。 我在林子里转了好大一圈,大树伯伯们都没有生病,看来我要饿肚子了。我正准备飞回去,突然听到前方有几声“笃笃”的声音。

怎么回事?难道是同类在啄食?可是怎么听那声音也不像啊?于是,我飞过去看看。 我落在一棵树上瞅了瞅,原来是一个盗木人在砍树。他挥舞着手中磨得锋利的斧头,一下一下地砍在树腰上。这时,我隐隐约约地听到大树伯伯在***。往日的景象一幕幕地放映在我脑袋中。















I like the carefree life in the countryside, the peaceful field road, roadside farm courtyard, a flowing stream... All is not desirable.

The morning the sunrise, singing yet, will the people wake up, sleep has injected new vitality for them, hard-working farmers began to a day of activities. Occasionally, walk the path in the field, there are a few root of wheat quietly into his trousers, slight shaking, like a naughty ground say "hello" with me. Wayside brook, there are a few small tadpoles swam in merry, a few dragonfly flying through the surface, rapid fly to the sky, with one, happy and comfortable. Then, several children run from the front of the past, what are they doing? Oh, the original is chasing the dragonfly. In the blink of an eye, they are submerged in the dense grain, but the scream of joy still legible.

At noon, yellow pink sunflower blossoms against the midday sun. Sitting in the yard of a peasant, listening to the cicadas on the buttonwood tree birds, occasionally there will be a flower cat through the legs. At this time, walk the crook, will feel at ease and pleasure.

Evening, on that day a small hillside, a dwarf tree, is a layer of golden rays of the sun on the plating, seems to be a picture of a frozen xieyi painting, a beautiful memories. In the last fading light in that moment, everything in the world and becomes quiet, birds don't call the dog bark, even forget the old cow is eating grass, quietly staring at the direction of the setting sun...

Rural night, the stars in the sky like the people of the earth, and the number is countless. At this point, lying in a rocking chair and looked at the bright sky, felt at ease. Quiet comfortable night, overworked of a day of men in blast a cry, the exhaustion of the end of the day, sweet to sleep.

What a beautiful country life! So intoxicating, so desirable! I pursue the country life is full of poetic!









小明见爸爸拿了一堆的绿色食品,便好奇的`问: “爸爸,这个绿色食品是什么意思?与普通的食品有什么不一样?为什么不一样?我们为什么要买这种食品 ……”

小明的问题还没有“倒”完,爸爸已经把全部的食品都拿出来了。有啤酒、可乐、薯片、好多鱼、果冻、鱿鱼丝……品种绝不止二十种,可真是五花八门啊!谁看了都会馋得“口水直下三千尺”。爸爸提高声调兴奋地答道:“它们无污染,对身体无害……”听了爸爸的话,小明举起杯喊道: “为绿色食品干杯”。“呯,呯,呯……”父子俩为绿色食品干了一杯又一杯,饮料喝了一瓶又一瓶,零食吃了一包又一包。


“因为它们无污染,对身体无害,”爸爸想了想接着说:“所以,我们一定要有环保意识。”顿了顿又说: “这样子,才可以保护地球环境,不让地球这个我们人类的‘摇篮’变脏。”说完之后,他们又大吃大喝起来,不久那些零食就成小明和爸爸全腹中物。吃光后直接走人。小明问:“爸爸,我们真的不用收那些垃圾?”爸爸说:“不用我们忙了,环卫工人会帮助我们打扫的”。于是小明就安心的回家了。









Giant Panda is our national treasure, the state can be said for the protection of giant pandas put a lot of human and material resources giant now has been the world's people the protection and care, which is a good thing, of course, the Tibetan antelope as the country's animal protection , The National People have been recognized, however, this tiger? The poor will be extinct Siberian tiger who is going to have a genuine concern and care a little bit?

According to statistics, the Siberian tiger left at present, less than 20, still such a small number of these survive, has had imagined. Two years ago, in the mountains of Huanren, Liaoning found to be a man to die under the presentation of the Siberian tiger, from this we can see that the above countries and the people of the importance we attach to it, this first Manchurian tiger is actually how the dead do not Conclusion, and the other is only from the northeast where hu came to the place where the wonder and the third is the matter did not rise to the national media in particular. This really puzzled the other person you! Is it really the other tiger who fear love is not worth it, it really fate of the Siberian tiger so?

Towering mountains should not unique to human beings, should not have dense forest unique to human beings, rivers clear this should not be unique to human beings, the Siberian tiger survival of this nature should not be unique to human beings. Siberian tiger to the left of a piece of heaven and earth to survive it, the High IQ is the human species, there are still ways to leave that piece of local survival, and the tiger have to leave that piece of the local dead; you save tigers, is the human population control, engage in Family planning, and the Siberian tiger is scarce Rending it! Now we can hear the cries of tigers in the future even the Siberian tiger can be heard the cries.


Tiger is one of the most valueable animals to human beings today. It is somehow like a cat, but much bigger than it. It lives in the forest, and feeds on small animals.

Nowadays, the number of the wild tiger is becoming small and small. Maybe there will be no tiger any more if people continue cutting the trees, destorying the living environment or hunt the tiger just for the skin. We must stop all these mistakes. We should protect them, because the world without tiger is not a completed one.

Tiger is one of the most valueable animals to human beings today. It is somehow like a cat, but much bigger than it. It lives in the forest, and feeds on small animals.

Nowadays, the number of the wild tiger is becoming small and small. Maybe there will be no tiger any more if people continue cutting the trees, destorying the living environment or hunt the tiger just for the skin. We must stop all these mistakes. We should protect them, because the world without tiger is not a completed one.


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