A crow felt very thirsty. He looked for water everywhere. Finally, he found a pitcher.
But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher. His beak could not reach it. He tried again and again, but still could not touch the water.
When he was about to give up, an idea came to him. He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another and dropped it in.
Gradually, the water rose, and the crow was able to drink the water.
"Yes, you are dear to me," said the prince; "for you have the best heart, and you are the most devoted to me; you are like a young maiden whom I once saw, but whom I shall never meet again. I was in a ship that was wrecked, and the waves cast me ashore near a holy temple, where several young maidens performed the service. The youngest of them found me on the shore, and saved my life. I saw her but twice, and she is the only one in the world whom I could love; but you are like her, and you have almost driven her image out of my mind. She belongs to the holy temple, and my good fortune has sent you to me instead of her;we will never part."
"Ah, he knows not that it was I who saved his life," thought the little mermaid. "I carried him over the sea to the wood where the temple stands: I sat beneath the foam, and watched till the human beings came to help him. I saw the pretty maiden that he loves better than he loves me;" and the mermaid sighed deeply, but she could not shed tears. "He says the maiden belongs to the holy temple, therefore she will never return to the world. They will meet no more: while I am by his side, and see him every day. I will take care of him, and love him, and give up my life for his sake."
Very soon it was said that the prince must marry, and that the beautiful daughter of a neighboring king would be his wife, for a fine ship was being fitted out. Although the prince gave out that he merely intend
同学们,你们用过一次性筷子吗?你们又知道,又有多少树因为一次性筷子被砍伐…... 下面是我的统计结果: 时间 一天 7天 30天 半年 一年 ...... 根数 6根 42根 180根 2160根 4320根 ...... 一天的根数:3×2=6(根一星期的根数(7天):7×6=42(根)一个月(30天)的根数:30×6=180(根)半年(6个月)的根数:6×30=180(天)180×6=1080(根)一年(12个月)的根数:12×30=360(天)360×6=2160(根)一根一次性筷子的体积:25×1.5×0.5=18.75cm 根数 一根 一双 十双 ...... 面积 18.75cm 37.5cm 375cm ...... 一双一次性筷子:18.75×2=37.5(cm十双一次性筷子:37.5×10=375(cm)就十双筷子,竟花了375cm的树木。真是太恐怖了!虽说十双一次性筷子是小,每双5分钱,十双5角钱。如果底面积为10m,高是15米的大树呢?10×15=150(m那就要用掉150m的木头了。万一再多用一点一次性筷子,100双,1000双,甚至10000双!我都不敢想象,大家如果不想我们的祖国变得光秃秃,变得寸草不生,再多一些天灾人祸,那大家就赶快行动起来吧,别再用一次性筷子,再提醒身边的人也别用了。使我们的地球变得更美好!
《小树精》是由 东方少年儿童出版社出版的,作者是童话作家——王一梅。 这本书写的是树精阿末的妻子树精欢欢在合欢树中冬眠时,被人类干扰,变成了隐形树精,隐形树精的寿命很短暂,只有一年。如果找不到红色的浆果和白山羊的毛织成一件红白相间的毛衣,就救不了隐形树精。当时,那里的人们只养黄山羊,见到自己的羊圈里多了一只白山羊,都会厌恶的说:“这是哪里来的白山羊!我们可没养它,让它滚开!”因此,在这个城市里,白山羊消失了。树精阿末为了救欢欢,离开树精森林,去寻找红色的浆果,和消失的白山羊。阿末让胡萝卜兔和糊涂猪来照顾幼仔:树精小羽。就这样,阿末去了城市后就再也没有回到树精森林。直到有一天树精小羽发现了树精阿末,认出了树精阿末就是她的爸爸,可这时的小羽已经变成了隐形树精。树精阿末让白山羊吃下红色的浆果,山羊的毛变成了红白色的。方老师知道了这件事后,帮助树精阿末用红白羊毛织成了一件毛衣,树精小羽穿上后,变回了原来的样子。 我知道了,真心的朋友才是最可靠的,不要总是说别人的短处,如果别人也这样说你,你心里一定也不好受。真心待人,总能交到真正的朋友!
Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat. He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can’t stay on his head.
He puts his hat down and begins to play game with the hat. When he gets tired of the game, things are not the same.
He can’t find his hat. Where is it? Jack thinks hard. He looks up and down, and walks here and there. He can’t find his hat yet.
At this time, his mother comes in. As soon as she sees Jack, she cries, “Oh, my dear! Don’t be foolish. Your hat is on your head.”
Jack feels very foolish. He doesn’t want to wear his hat on his head.
Where is my hat?
Please hand me my hat.
What a beautiful hat!
今天下午,我和朋友在楼下玩耍。不一会儿,我们俩就满头大汗。于是我们来到一棵大树下休息。 我们俩坐在那,忽然看见一只威武的螳螂,它有一双又大又红的眼睛,好像在寻找猎物;有一双绿色的大翅膀,它那双捕捉足像两把锋利的大镰刀;它的背部也是绿色的,但肚子是淡黄色的,真是特别的少见啊! 它在地上挥舞着自己锋利的大镰刀,像一员威武的大将军,不过我把它捉住,大将军便成了我的俘虏。它往墙壁上努力地爬,又像一名攀登运动员。它来到一根树枝上,我把树枝拿开,它就成了正在表演走钢丝的小丑。 我发现的这只螳螂真是特别幽默啊!
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