一个个小精灵笑着指着对面,那是一间高大的房子,里面住的都是富人。天晚了,怎么睡觉呢?我们敲了敲那门,一个富人走了出来,表示很欢迎,还把最好的房间让给我们睡。但当我望望窗外的穷人一切谜底都揭开了。原来都是骗子,他们见这儿只有这一幢楼房,当客人走进这儿,身上的钱全被他们抢走,因此变成了穷人。我感到不对劲,小精灵也也感觉到了,此地不已久留,可被那假富人知道,就硬抢。幸亏我有小精灵们,对付他们绰绰有余。学着小志的口令,”皮卡丘出击。”皮卡丘用强有力的`电工,把他们全都电晕了,从他们的身上搜出了,金银财宝、首饰等各种珍贵的东西,果然不出我所料。看着外面的穷人,我的心变的沉重了,“多么可怜啊!”小精灵们扯扯我的衣服,仿佛在哀求我帮助他们,对呀!这些金银财宝不就可以给他们吗? 我和小精灵们,把东西全都一一分给了他们,他们连连跪下来感谢我们!又做了一件好事。我兴高采烈的跳着。“哦,对了,还要领导小精灵们去参加比赛呢!”我拍拍脑袋。
来到一个城市,大街上人来人往。“西伯比赛场在哪儿呢?”我问问过路的人们。“在西城”一个老人和蔼可亲的告诉我。“谢谢”道谢后,向西城走去。果然是小精灵比赛场地。我非常高兴,领导着小精灵们进去了。好多小精灵啊!有喷火马、喷墨马、伊布四兄弟等各种各样的小精灵,有的我还没见过呢!真可爱。比赛即将开始!“铛”的一声,开始了,小精灵们都各显身手,我的几个小精灵,屡战屡胜。我高兴极了,等着看决赛呢?“佩佩起床了,懒虫该上学了。”我揉揉朦胧的眼睛,哦,原来是场梦,我背着书包上学了。晚上回家,我又看起宠物小精灵来了,正在回忆我的梦......我真想有小精灵呀! 指导老师:文桂芬
Dear Chris,
How are you doing? Recently, an important volleyball game will be held in our campus, which will be not only meaningful but also exciting. So, as captain of the team, I, on behalf of all our team members, am writing to invite you to join us in the battle!
Here are some relevant details about it. To begin with, it will be on the 3rd volleyball court from 2:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of July 1st. Besides, we, the Giants, will confront the Eagles, which is undoubtedly a tough rival. As a result, adequate preparation is urgently needed, including practice, nutrition and a perfect plan.
Hopefully, you could make it to this wonderful event. We need you! Looking forward to your reply and your presence.
Li Hua
Dear everyone,
Hello,everyone.Recently our school is going to hold the First Joke Contest.Our students can benefit a lot from attending this.It provides us a opportunity to improve our English speaking and listening skills.At the same time we are able to learn more about British culture.
Meanwhile,each competitor must pay attention that you had better speak fluently without notes.Whats more,your performance should take no more than five minutes.
Aside from a slew of performances and competition, attendees will have an opportunity to win a prize from the lucky draw. You are welcome to join us and actively participate in this competition.
Li Hua
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