reading is helpful英语作文初中

reading is helpful英语作文初中

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reading is helpful英语作文初中

reading is helpful英语作文初中【一】

We take out our kites, mine are butterfly, my friends are birds, all are so funny. I start to let my kite fly, but it could not, so I run faster and faster, then my kite flies, I go let go it gradually. A few minutes later, my friends’ kites are also flying.

Seeing our kites flying, I feel so free. Today, I have a great time.


reading is helpful英语作文初中【二】

I tried my best to calm down for a long time. Then I went to the platform to begin my prepared speech.

I felt my brain was blank when I was having my speech.

Before the election, I was confident for this position, but I still so nervous when I was in the platform. Thanks for preparing in advance; otherwise, I must be embarrassed. But the result was what I want. It’s a happy thing.


reading is helpful英语作文初中【三】

??姐妹 The Help》观后感400字

当观看完一部作品后,这次观看让你有什么领悟呢?现在就让我们写一篇走心的观后感吧。那么我们该怎么去写观后感呢?下面是小编为大家整理的《姐妹 The Help》观后感400字,希望对大家有所帮助。

今天我用课余时间看完了一部电影《The Help》,影片讲述的是上世纪美国密西西比州的故事,众所周知,那个时候密西西比州的黑人歧视现象特别严重,在白人家庭中工作的黑人女佣不仅得不到常规水平的工资,生活待遇也特别的差,大部分家庭都十分排斥黑人女佣,他们得不到自己应有的平等与尊重,就连上厕所都要区分出来。在影片中,女主角是一位受过高等教育的作家,看见了女佣们不幸的遭遇和自己家女佣的.离去,悲痛万分,决定写一本书来告诫读者们肤色不是差距,所有人都应该被平等对待。


reading is helpful英语作文初中【四】

Last Saturday,with all my classmates and teachers,I went on a trip to the nature park .We departed from school at about half past seven and spent about 40 minutes travelling to our destination.When we first entered into the park,all of us were shocked by the natural beauty and the hamonized ecosystem of the park.Then,happily we were playing games on the sand; swimming in the pool and taking with our friends on the grassplot.After lunch break,our programs were continued with an contest of story narating held and each of us was immerging within the funny stories We left the part at about 5 o\'clock,and unitl now,most of us are still haunted by the beautiful memory of that trip.


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